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09-09-2011, 03:51 PM
I thought it would be a nice idea to see what everyone listens to! When I went to visit Sal, I had no idea we had similar interest taste in Country music. So, needless to say, the station never changed much and just about every song was a good.
It's multiple choice option, there is no way you can fail, lol. Choose as many as apply to you. I'm curious what this group of folks listens to regularly.

I chose my top 3, but I also listen to a little bit of world and metal... But when I'm wheeling... it's usually ALWAYS country (especially western country)

09-09-2011, 05:25 PM
I listen to both types...

Country & Western :)

But I like the oldies too (50's)

09-09-2011, 05:51 PM
My top 3 is;
Hip Hop/Rap

Sorry can't do country, just not my thing.

Have to understand went from to NJ to NY then to SoCal (LA/Compton 8 years late teens to mid 20's) then with in the last 6 years moved to WA. So until I moved to WA I have always lived in Big cities & now feel I am in the middle of the country here in Everett. I have to go to Seattle at least once a week to hang out with some friends or I go stir crazy (missing the hustle and fast pace) My wife thinks I am completely nuts, if it was not for my son needing a yard to play & grow up in I would be in a high rise in downtown Seattle & be loving it.

So now you have a better incite into me. Bad or good it is what it is

09-09-2011, 07:00 PM
Everything but pop - but sometimes even that. Jazz, Metal, Country, R&B are the favs. Also love Classical. I grew up playing symphonic music, switched to metal when I got old enough and played Jazz to help pay for things during University. Even played in a Greek Wedding band and I love Greek and world music.

09-09-2011, 08:41 PM
Classic Rock and Country, sometimes the newer rock music can be okay...

09-09-2011, 10:43 PM
Mostly country as AJ knows but pearl jam is still my favorite life time band. I grew up listening to mixes I was actually there in the beginning when people first started mixing house albums and called it mixing. It was mostly at parties in basements and stuff then one day it was on the radio that was pretty cool. I can listen to just about anything but wrap gangster crap that stuff I can't stand. I think we should all have some Johnny Cash in our collection as well. So my taste in music is open I probably like a song or two in every genre there is of course except for the wrap stuff.

09-11-2011, 06:37 AM
I listen to mostly anything except really heavy metal and hard core rap. Can't stand those two. I've always played Symphonic, Classical, and Jazz music between the Piano and the Sax and have done many concerts between the three. Grew up mostly in the late 80s and 90s so anything from there I like quite a bit no matter what genre. I hate new pop music. I find myself listening to 80s 90s rock and country mostly in the car/jeep.

09-11-2011, 06:09 PM
Pretty much anything but country. Generally I turn on an alternative station before anything else, but I get in moods for metal and rap.

09-15-2011, 06:33 PM
Ordered Brantley Gilbert tix today for Oct.12th. That is gonna rock , hopefull I remember it the next day ! :)

11-13-2011, 04:55 AM
I can listen to most anything BUT:

- teeny-boppers
- "Urban (and ANYTHING that entails - I'm just an old CRACKA-American...)"
- Country

That said, most of my presets - Sirius included - are for News/Talk. ;)

12-21-2011, 04:37 PM
Pearl Jam, Soundgarden, pretty much any 90s "grunge" and also DMB and Country. No more rap.

01-18-2012, 07:29 PM
When driving its usually Classic Rock or 90'ish Alt/Grudge. From time-to-time I like some older Rap...Beasties,Slick Rick...If I'm relaxing in the yard with a stogie & beverage Classic Rock,Jam Bands,The Dead,Jimi,Floyd,etc.