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View Full Version : Do you work in an industry you studied for in high school or college?

01-19-2012, 05:42 AM
I sucked at math and well most of my high-school classes.
I sell insurance and have been successful in selling retirement
plans to businesses and helping people invest 401k money.

I was the go-to person on figuring out errors in finance plans.

Who knew! I certainly didnt study this in school nor did I go
to college for it. So I am way out of what I expected to do.

How about you?

01-19-2012, 05:51 AM
In 6th grade my guidance counselor asked me "what do you want to be when you grow up?".

I said, "I want to be an engineer!!"
She responded, "oh that's great! You want to drive a choo choo train?".......

End of story, I'm doing what I planned to do since a VERY young age.... and its not driving a choo choo train! Lol

01-19-2012, 05:58 AM
MY father was in computers while I was growing up so was exposed at a young age.
My degree is in Network Management & now work in a NOC.

01-19-2012, 06:19 AM
I had no plans in High School other than to get out of the small town I grew up in (that I accomplished). College was theology, so I did for many years but not currently so I voted not even close.

01-19-2012, 06:41 AM
When I was young all the men in my family were in construction. My Grandfather even owed a small company,so Thats what I thought I wanted to do. I started working on job sites the summer before my 13th birthday,and continued to do so for the next 4 yrs. I also went to a vocational highschool for masonary because at the time that sparked my interest the most,and I loved watching my uncle take a pile of bricks and at the end of the day end up with an amazing fireplace or bbq pit. After highschool I became a mason for about 2yrs,but by then I had been in 3 car accidents and my back & shoulder were getting more and more torn up from the heavy lifting. After I decided there was no way I could lay block for the next 35+yrs I decided to take a law enforcement test. Got hired by the prison system and 12 yrs later still doing it.

Holaday07 4.7
01-19-2012, 06:42 AM
Went to college to become a cop, and ended up in sales.

01-19-2012, 06:49 AM
Yep - Studied Management Information Systems in college, currently an application administrator in my company's quality department.

No hand outs for me

01-19-2012, 06:51 AM
Started College in an electrical engineering program. Ended up with a french minor and liberal arts degree. Now I'm a marine inspector in the cost guard enforcing federal and international laws aboard anything that floats from 1100 ft crude oil tankers to fishing vessels. The cost guard also moonlights me when needed as a french interpreter since I'm bilingual. Never would have guessed that a few years back.

01-19-2012, 06:55 AM
took two years of auto body repair/ refinishing at tech school during high school, junior and senior year. graduated in 1989 and been painting full time since 1990. so yeah i guess i am.

Doc in AZ
01-19-2012, 07:29 AM
i was one of the nerds that started college classes my freshman year of high school. i could have graduated high school in the 11th grade. by the time i was 17 i was close to a degree specializing in international business and marketing and already had 7 semesters of japanese language and cultural training. but as most child prodigy types i was bored to tears with school because it was all easy, repetitive and i was not being challenged. so i dropped out.

i had been working at the refinery my dad operated for a few years with the maintenance guys and realized that the problem solving and design was more my calling than a suit and tie. to the benefit of this thread, it was in '87 that my auto shop teacher taught us to weld. i talked my dad into buying me a little buzz box and started building bicycles and stuff and coming up with crazy ideas... never thought it would be a way to make a living back then.

but it has proven to be a worthy skill set & coupled with engineering it can be very lucrative.

01-19-2012, 07:30 AM
Went to college to become a cop, and ended up in sales.

+1. Went to school for 2 years for Criminal Justice, then went on for 2 more years for Criminal Investigations. Right now I'm working as the Facilities Receiver, accepting deliveries lol.

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01-19-2012, 08:59 AM
Computer Science degree..

For the first few years out of school I did computer repair, and now web site design. Kind of related since it's computers, but nothing that I learned in school. I'm sure the classes helped me understand some of the programming aspects but everything I do currently is in self taught languages.

01-19-2012, 10:59 AM
They don't have classes to teach what I do in the army and if they did someone would of probably got locked up LOL but I did go to military school 6-9 grade then I turned into a punk after that LOL then I ended up in the army anyways so not sure what answer to choose.

Edit: I choose handouts just because I could :)

01-19-2012, 11:29 AM
My buddy who works for the state of CO always says he's on welfare, since he gets a check from the state :p

01-19-2012, 12:29 PM
My buddy who works for the state of CO always says he's on welfare, since he gets a check from the state :p

I'm sure some of your tax dollars are in my pay check LOL Oh I want a raise :p

01-19-2012, 01:27 PM
Mine to...lol I wanted to go to culinary school. In 2005 I joined the Army and do communications. But I like it

01-19-2012, 03:11 PM
I just sent an EM to Ft Harrison and told them you need a raise.
They said they sent cheese.
I'm sure some of your tax dollars are in my pay check LOL Oh I want a raise :p
Ft Harrison was one of the 10 finance facilities that paid personell.
Governement Cheese: Government cheese is processed cheese that was provided to welfare and food stamp recipients in the United States from the 1960s through to the early 1990s. (The style of cheese predated the era, having been used in military kitchens since the Second World War and in schools since as early as the 1960s.) (http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Government_cheese)

01-19-2012, 04:15 PM
I just sent an EM to Ft Harrison and told them you need a raise.
They said they sent cheese.
Ft Harrison was one of the 10 finance facilities that paid personell.
Governement Cheese: Government cheese is processed cheese that was provided to welfare and food stamp recipients in the United States from the 1960s through to the early 1990s. (The style of cheese predated the era, having been used in military kitchens since the Second World War and in schools since as early as the 1960s.) (http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Government_cheese)

That's a lot of cheddar!

01-19-2012, 04:53 PM
I do - but hopefully not for long.

01-19-2012, 05:22 PM
On a side note. Does everyone like the career path they are on? I like my job but I'm starting to feel like I may need a change...in career,and location.

01-19-2012, 05:31 PM
Well I'm getting out soon so I'm looking forward to doing something new. I'm hoping to get into something I'll enjoy maybe something to do with Jeeps :) As for locations I grew up in Chicago and live in the south now I wouldn't change that for anything except maybe the south west lots of awesome wheeling to be done out there.

01-19-2012, 05:31 PM
I'm a retired systems analyst / programmer. I went to college specifically to learn programming.

I mostly liked what I did for a living but could have done without a couple of managers.

01-21-2012, 09:01 AM
YEs, I'm doing exactly what I studied in college. I studied a type of animal science with a food industry focus. So now I work in the food industry and food production. I've been doing this for about 4-5 years now and I love it.

I make food for places like Chic Fila, Zaxby's, Qdoba mexican grill, and a bunch of wholesale food businesses in the north. So in a sense, I feed you guys :)

01-21-2012, 12:39 PM
Thanks for the grub, criket!

YEs, I'm doing exactly what I studied in college. I studied a type of animal science with a food industry focus. So now I work in the food industry and food production. I've been doing this for about 4-5 years now and I love it.

I make food for places like Chic Fila, Zaxby's, Qdoba mexican grill, and a bunch of wholesale food businesses in the north. So in a sense, I feed you guys :)

Holaday07 4.7
01-21-2012, 01:44 PM
YEs, I'm doing exactly what I studied in college. I studied a type of animal science with a food industry focus. So now I work in the food industry and food production. I've been doing this for about 4-5 years now and I love it.

I make food for places like Chic Fila, Zaxby's, Qdoba mexican grill, and a bunch of wholesale food businesses in the north. So in a sense, I feed you guys :)

Your food is 90% of my diet

01-21-2012, 02:16 PM
I am a fan of Chik-Fil-A but not familiar with the others.
I make food for places like Chic Fila, Zaxby's, Qdoba mexican grill, and a bunch of wholesale food businesses in the north. So in a sense, I feed you guys :)

01-21-2012, 04:21 PM
I don't know how to answer this one. I guess I'm doing something similar to what I studied, but I've studied a bunch of different things. High school was all college prep and AP stuff with my strong point being the sciences and math. College majors changed from philosophy to chemistry, then ended up with degrees in electronic technology and technology management.

I build Atom Probes now...

01-21-2012, 06:33 PM
Your food is 90% of my diet

I am a fan of Chik-Fil-A but not familiar with the others.

Holaday07, That's awesome! Since I feed you, you pay my bills, LOL

cico, Chic-Fil-A is awesome but Zaxby's is like a food orgasm in your mouth. You need to go try one if you get a chance.

THis thread is cool. Everyone makes thier contribution and does thier part. So neat.

01-21-2012, 08:21 PM
...awesome but Zaxby's is like a.....
THis thread is cool. Everyone makes thier contribution and does thier part. So neat.
I have not heard of Zaxby's....but I will have to start looking for these now.

01-22-2012, 07:59 AM
No Zaxby's in your area eh? Too bad. I'm a fan of Popey's myself cause it's all cajun spicy Louisiana style and spicy is my thing. Second favorite is Chic fil a.

01-22-2012, 08:39 AM
Saw a Qdoba Grille in Florida back in December, didnt go in though. Ive heard of Zaxby's but thats about it. Being here in ol' time central Va , we are always way behind other parts of the country with things. I kinda like it that way.

01-22-2012, 08:48 AM
We have Popeye's close by. I checked the web and Zaxby's doesnt have a store in Ohio.
I will have to check next time I go to Indy or Ky.We have "Raising Caine's"
No Zaxby's in your area eh? Too bad. I'm a fan of Popey's myself cause it's all cajun spicy Louisiana style and spicy is my thing. Second favorite is Chic fil a.

01-24-2012, 06:25 AM
have a Qdoba Grille 5 min from my placer & it is great & popeyes is about 45 min from me, I make the trip about once a month to get me some popeyes, its great. Never heard of Zaxby's & never eaten at Chic

01-25-2012, 11:11 AM
Hi Skrool - not at all. College - somewhat... Graduate school - absolutely. Working on my Ph.D. for "career transition" in about another decade or so. :p

01-25-2012, 05:53 PM
I bailed out of skool after the 8th grade. :p (Speaking of misspellings, did you see that MSNBC news article on the NYC "shcool X-ing" road markings?)

I did my entire high school via a correspondence course (American Schools) while framing houses. At around 17, I went to work for an electrical contractor, and was wiring houses solo after six months or so, then got into commercial electrical.

By 19, I was working at the same company I'm still with now, building cop cars. I was doing tower work in my 20's and early 30's. That has progressed into maintaining radio systems and taking care of dispatch centers these days.

I have taken a few college trade courses, such as refrigeration, locksmithing, etc.

01-30-2012, 07:26 AM
I went to school for electronics engineering, and never got a job related to the industry lol....I am currently a test technology engineer, and I do dyno testing (engine and chassis) for outside customers, as well as internal r&d for our own emissions reduction systemns in a lab that is epa certified. Sometimes I also do calibration work for engines that do not pass epa standards for the usa. I have also built a few test cells here. Other then that I do performance dyno tuning as a second job which keeps me pretty busy..