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07-29-2010, 07:37 PM
Well I was looking for camping equipment on line and found a new (to me) subculture.

Do you have a "bug out" bag?
remember in the event of a collapse or natural disaster .....
In the post apocalypse chances are good that ...............
In the wasteland .............

07-29-2010, 07:48 PM
Now this may be handy to have:
Survival Handbook (http://www.equipped.com/multiservice_ser_manual_1999.pdf)

U.S Army Field Manual 3-05.70 (http://www.equipped.com/FM3-05.70SURVIVALMANUAL.pdf) This is a long one......443 pages

07-29-2010, 08:21 PM
I am no where near the level of most preppers, but I have been stockpiling water. And I always have flashlights, weather radios, two way radios, first aid kits ready to go (and lots of ammo too, you never know when the zombies will come...). I have been meaning to put together a bug-out-bag. Each car has a small emergancy kit. I did buy a couple surplus Isreali gas masks just for fun before Y2K.

For the water I repurpose 2-liter soda bottles. A good rinse with a mild bleach solution and fill 'em up. I mark the bottles with a fill date and plan to cycle them out annually.

07-29-2010, 08:59 PM
I go through phases where I stock pile and then when everything goes bad I throw it out and wonder what I was thinking.

07-30-2010, 03:59 AM
I do the same thing. I stock and purge.. Brendon pointed out he had radios, flashlights etc, all good sense stuff.
I do keep an E kit in the basement for Tornado's etc...pestilence, drought, plague, grasshoppers and what.

When I had a job, I was talking to the boss one telling him everything that had gone wrong, then thought about what I was saying. I concluded my ramble with "then the grasshoppers came and ate all the crops...." he started laughing and I realized that things were not as bad as they seemed to be.....

07-30-2010, 07:01 AM
Or just take one M4 some ammo and one highly trained fearless paratrooper and just take everything you need when the time comes LMAO I personally would never do such a thing. the water stocking is ok but a water filter hand pump would be better to have. We've actually dipped them in sewage treatment water operated the pump and were able to drink it and no one got sick. So a couple of those would be better then a bunch of stored water. Also remember in your preparation to try and remain mobile. If you build and stock your house like FT Knox then your stuck there no matter whats coming weather toxins bandits you never know. So make sure your survival plans and supplies remain mobile don't tie your self down to one location. You already have the vehicle for the job.

07-30-2010, 07:19 AM
Food Storage Calculator

Use the following calculator to figure the minimum food storage amounts for your family for one year. The amounts are based on the recommendations listed in the LDS Church's Essentials of Home Production and Storage booklet, see (LDS Distribution Center). These are only recommendations. You will need to determine what you should store for your family.

Click Here (http://lds.about.com/library/bl/faq/blcalculator.htm)

07-30-2010, 07:29 AM
I want to be on your team!

Or just take one M4 some ammo and one highly trained fearless paratrooper and just take everything you need when the time comes LMAO

But, evey house is a potential cache. I would lay in a stock of goods to provide for other survivors who came through.

07-30-2010, 07:33 AM
I didnt realize at first that is was the LDS Church
Food Storage Calculator Use the following calculator to figure the minimum food storage amounts for your family for one year. The amounts are based on the recommendations listed in the LDS Church's Essentials of Home Production and Storage booklet, see (LDS Distribution Center). These are only recommendations. You will need to determine what you should store for your family.

Click Here (http://lds.about.com/library/bl/faq/blcalculator.htm)

07-30-2010, 01:53 PM
We've actually dipped them in sewage treatment water
Sal = Hardcore MF

07-30-2010, 06:17 PM
Hey Brendon,

If you think it is "fun" to collect the gas masks, let's combine hobbies at the next Camp Commander. I'll bring my 37mm and some CS, CN, or OC rounds. Woe be to the no-top Wrangler trying to follow us up Black Bear pass. They won't just be crying just because they don't have a Commander!

08-04-2010, 08:02 PM
I wouldn't mind trying out my masks, but I don't have replacement cartridges (yet)...

It could be fun though!