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View Full Version : Anyone up for Colockum or Quillimene wilderness on Labor Day weekend? (In Central WA)

08-14-2012, 04:31 PM
There's a gazillion acres of nothing in either place. We did Quillimene a couple years ago, and went about 40 plus miles in and never saw another human. There can't be many places left in the USA with that much untouched virgin sage brush.

We could also do a trip to the old lookout tower up above highway 12 and/or Windy Point. The old tower overlooks Rimrock lake from about a half mile up. There's USFS roads like spider webs up there too, and some are plenty rough. (Like we love 'em!)


08-15-2012, 07:23 PM
Hey Adondo I will not be able to make this one, but if you want you can join us in OR @ TSF for the laborday weekend camping trip with PNW 4x4's. It would be great to get another XK out there to represent. There is a lot of trails there that I think you will love.

BTW anyone with a WK or XK that whats to join your welcome. TSF is where warn winches tests their equipment so you know the trails are intense.

08-16-2012, 01:33 PM
I'll REALLY have to think about it. There's nothing quite like going through Portland on a holiday weekend. (You drive >1 MPH for miles and miles, and miles - their freeways are like a park and ride)

Tillamook (The town) is a good 7 hours drive from here, and I'm not sure exactly where the TSF trails are. It's a long drive for a measly three day weekend, we'd pretty much have only Sunday, then it's leave early to get home again. But, still... if I knew exactly where the meet is, I might consider it.

08-16-2012, 02:01 PM

let me know if this helps you sir

08-16-2012, 03:31 PM
I'm mulling it over. It's 260 miles from here. The problem is Portland, it's a slow crawl on a good day, and on holidays, it's 15 miles of stalled cars. There's no real way around the SOB from here either.