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View Full Version : Another reason I prefer SA sliders....

12-16-2012, 01:11 PM
Stuff like this can be prevented.




12-16-2012, 06:00 PM
Oww... :eek:

12-16-2012, 06:02 PM
I've seen much worse. But it was one of those things that when it happened I said "damnit... i knew that was coming"

12-17-2012, 01:36 PM

12-17-2012, 02:53 PM
That's nothing compared to my carnage several moths ago. But still sucks to see it happen to your rig! I agree with you about the SA sliders

12-17-2012, 04:34 PM
I always wondered when your were gonna "ding" yours up.... You wheel the heck out of yours and i've been once... but I do like to hit trees ;)

12-17-2012, 04:37 PM
lol I have been pretty lucky I must say.... out of all the wheeling trips and close calls I've had, that one minor door ding is nothing.

I DID almost lose my front bumper on this trip as well, but was able to get it "unhooked" off a root that snagged it... just a scuff and crack in the plastic which'll get cut out when I do the Sal mod anyways :p

12-17-2012, 04:48 PM
That's the main reason I never purchased the 4xGuard sliders and jumped on the first run of the SA sliders.

http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=RAGx3V_7pE4&list=UU4cGSmtYSFF_H9lLSz243Yg& index=7

12-17-2012, 05:49 PM
I'll be welding on some extensions like the SA sliders.... maybe this summer.

Core XK
12-18-2012, 07:39 AM
Sucks man! your shiney white XK is still so purrrty though :O

I know I may get some flames for this but I don't think my XK will see anything more then greens for awhile.....just can't afford a risk on blues especially with no sliders. Trail 22 is rough for our rigs I think... or atleast with 2" lift and 32's

12-18-2012, 07:50 AM
Corey, unfortunately it seems like its the trails that seem benign that cause the damage. The section I was going up looked like something I would easily climb through.... next thing I know my rear end slid left and pushed my door into a root.

I know your fiance doesnt want you to get sliders because she thinks you'll try harder stuff.... and theres some truth to that for sure. But the reality is they also prevent damage such as this.... even on the easy stuff.

12-18-2012, 09:44 AM
great point! I definitely dont want damage especially with how OCD I am, but I also bought my XK to have fun and know its part of the game. Sliders are coming soon for sure..

My view is this, I drove my new to me clean unmolested XK to AC for a bachelor party and its gets broken windows, scratched paint and scratched leather!! Unfortunately people will do damage to your rig, in my eyes Id rather have some scratches or something happen while Im enjoying it and wheelin rather than someone else doing it for me, guess it will help me sleep better!

12-18-2012, 12:09 PM
Unfortunately, the SA sliders wouldnt have prevented the damage to my doors due to the ravine I was in. However If I had the SA sliders and 2 more inches of lift the damage wouldnt have happened.

Core XK
12-18-2012, 12:20 PM
Yeah I know this hobby will always involve some repairs hopefully all minor. I know our XKs as is CAN make it through blues/blacks but I think that is truely pushing this vechicle to its max offroad capabilities as far as rock crawling goes (Talking about 2" and 32s). Now this just might be my conservative self talking and not wanting big damage on my rig but I am not sure about exploring blues/blacks with my XK. Again, this is my only vechicle to get me back and forth to work. If I had my XK paid off and a seperate DD then I'm sure I'd go on blues/blacks without hesitation.

This is only my personal opinion from the two times I've gone to RC with you guys. I know most of you have much more experience with this hobby as well as the abilitity to pretty much fix anything.

EDIT: I also agree with sliders no matter what trail your doing :P just to make that a note

12-18-2012, 12:47 PM
I hear ya. I thought you were saying you didn't need sliders because you want to stay on greens.

12-18-2012, 12:54 PM
I hear you man! Hopefully Ill have her paid off in a yr so I can get a tad bit more crazy with her..

Core XK
12-18-2012, 02:40 PM
lol Yeah

I am hoping for Sliders NEXT x-mas :)

12-18-2012, 05:29 PM
I dont know... i have a feeling you'll have them before then...

Holaday07 4.7
12-18-2012, 06:43 PM

The extended bars are worth it. I wish I would not have gotten the 4XGuards.

12-21-2012, 05:55 PM
I'm thinking I will have some side bars added to my 4x sliders

12-21-2012, 05:58 PM
I'm thinking I will have some side bars added to my 4x sliders

That's exactly what im going to do. My buddy already has a tube bender and welder. I'm just debating the best way to attach them (besides just a flush fillet weld)

12-21-2012, 07:37 PM
My friend grad from welding school & decided to make my rig his project rig for a bunch of toys, this will be one of the items he will be doing for me along with some bumpers; once I can find time to leave it with him for a week or so.