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View Full Version : IF you're in the area... Blessing of the 4x4's! Sunday - JUNE 30 - at 2:00pm

05-23-2013, 06:09 PM
If you've been in Pittsburgh (or within broadcast range of Pittsburgh TV stations) for ANY length of time, you've surely heard of several area churches that doing a "Blessing of the Bikes" each year. Like these;

http://storage.cloversites.com/murry...es%20Flyer.pdf (http://storage.cloversites.com/murrysvillealliancechurch/documents/Blessing%20of%20the%20Bikes%20Flyer.pdf)


There was even a Catholic Church in the North Hills that I saw on the news blessing motorcylces this past weekend, but now I can't seem to find a link to it.

At any rate, MY thought is, WHY should the bikers, ahem, hog all the blessings?!?! 4-wheelers need at LEAST as much - if not MORE - blessing, given the craziness that is WHEELING!

With THAT said... we are looking at doing a first ever (far as WE know!) "Blessing of the 4x4's" in the Pittsburgh area, at Concordia Lutheran Church (3109 Brownsville Rd. - 15227 - Brentwood Borough), on Sunday - JUNE 30 - at 2:00pm.

More details will follow shortly, but I wanted to get the who, what, where, when, why of this event out there, that folks might plan accordingly. The grounds of the church are pretty big (Concordia owns the whole BLOCK basically), so if you wanted to do a picnic beforehand for instance, that would be possible also. Since this is the first event of its kind EVER, the Rite of Blessing will be the main thing this first time out, but it will be interesting to see where it grows from here!

There will be NO passing of the offering plate, to put your mind at ease. This is simply a courtesy we'd like to extend to the 4-wheeling community, as our Pastor is a wheeler, and would like to turn his hobby into a blessing for others as well.

E-Mail or PM me for further details, and I'll post more info as we get closer to the date!

05-23-2013, 06:36 PM
Man if this wasn't so far away I'd join. I like the idea.

05-23-2013, 06:49 PM
That's a cool idea man!

Sent from my DROID RAZR using Tapatalk 2

06-09-2013, 03:32 PM
Two weeks from today BUMP! :D

06-09-2013, 06:22 PM
You have an awesome pastor!!! I wonder if I can get mine into wheeling....

06-17-2013, 09:50 AM
2 weeks to go BUMP! :D


06-18-2013, 06:51 AM
The church I used to go to has a small group called "Higher Ground" and it is made up of those of us who wheel. We still wheel with them but go to a different church curently.

06-18-2013, 07:28 AM
Very cool idea!

and might I add, its cool to see a bunch of other guys on TUJ go to church too!

06-18-2013, 04:11 PM
Our attendance has certainly been slacking the past few years.... as we've been popping out babies lol.

My boy's ready to start Sunday school though so we'll be back in the swing of things this coming Sept.

06-24-2013, 06:05 AM
GOOD news on the long range forecast right now - looks like a sunny day, and perhaps even a break in the temperatures next Sunday!

We have a nice grassy knoll for folks to sit on, but for more convenience, you might want to consider bringing a folding camp chair or lawn chair. This shouldn't take but about a half-hour, give or take a few minutes, but if you burn easily, bring suntan lotion - bring sunglasses, etc., as you would do for any half-hour outdoor activity.

The blessing is ON - rain or shine - but in case of really inclement weather (downpours, lightning, hail), we'll do this in the undercroft (downstairs meeting hall) of the church.

Looking forward to meeting you next Sunday (June 30) at 2:00pm!


06-28-2013, 05:04 PM
Ok... the weather is now looking a little 'iffy' for Sunday, but HEY - we're WHEELERS! What is a little 'liquid sunshine' to US?!?! https://theultimatejeep.com/images/imported/2013/06/002-1.gif

So long as there's no lightning, hail, tornadoes, locusts, plagues, et.al., we'll keep it outdoors. Since the grass will undoubtedly be soggy & muddy (GOOD for wheelin' in - LOUSY for SITTING in... https://theultimatejeep.com/images/imported/2013/06/disgust-1.gif), bring a camp chair/lawn chair/towels/cushion/skid/SOMETHING to sit on, and we'll go from there.

We will move downstairs to the undercroft/church hall if necessary, but we're still ON - rain or shine! https://theultimatejeep.com/images/imported/2013/06/023-1.gif

06-16-2014, 05:44 AM
Time to prepare for the SECOND ANNUAL Blessing of the 4x4's, to be held at Concordia Lutheran Church in Brentwood - 3109 Brownsville Rd. - at 2:00pm, Sunday, June 29.

We did have storms blow in last year, but we survived, and had a good time. Hopefully this year, we'll be able to stay outside, and get some actual PICTURES this time.

Just as last year, there will be NO passing of an offering plate, to put your mind at ease. This is simply a courtesy we'd like to extend to the 4-wheeling community, as our Pastor is a wheeler, and would like to turn his hobby into a blessing for others as well.

E-Mail or PM me with any questions - we hope to see you there!
