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View Full Version : War Wagon's CB/Scanner install

07-23-2013, 10:24 AM
Ok... since I'm going with FULL-SIZE gear that doesn't fit in any of the cubbyholes of our Jeep Commander's dash, I thought I'd start a seperate thread, since this isn't going to look like ANYTHING like what ya'll mugs have done!

I THOUGHT I was going to get it ALL done in ONE day, on my day off yesterday. Well... THAT didn't work out as planned.:rolleyes: Had to burn an hour+, to pick up #3 son, who got sick at day camp. Made FOUR trips to the hardware store - for mounts, bolts, nuts, screws, washers - TWO drill chucks, and finally, a 3/4" sanding bit (1/10th the cost of a 1" drill bit, I might add!), before all was said and done as well.

The REAL pain in the arse though, turned out to be the scanner antenna mount. I basically spent the rest of the DAY, drilling and sanding it. :(

It's an NCG Comet 730, which, UNLIKE the model 720 (http://www.cometantenna.com/products.php?CatID=1&famID=9&childID=15), DOESN'T provide an NMO mount. So you've got to drill/sand the PL-259/Comet 5/8" hole, out to 7/8" at a minimum, to get the NMO base through! And brudda, it takes LONGER than you think...

Getting the drill through it took a while, probably because I had the speed on my drill press set too low. Then I thought my Dremel tool would clean it up faster than it did. The metal base of the Comet is one TOUGH hombre! I was trying to err on the side of caution, and not leave myself too little metal for a soild mount; first off, it ain't no pot metal (appears to be some zinc/copper coating over decent quality steel), and it's 3mm thick, which is one more mm than I thought it'd be! The Comet is a GOOD piece of kit!

So here's what it looks like NOW, with PLENTY of room for the NMO base to fit through (I may take some silicone gel and gasket it in place, for extra protection).


Thankfully, my other hobby, will take care of the exposed metal. A little touchup with a Birchwood/Casey bluing pen, oughta do the trick! :D

As it also poured rain yesterday (almost 2" worth!), that pretty much prevented doing anything IN the Jeep. So while waiting to go dashing to the hardware store for the FOURTH time last yesterday afternoon, I decided to assemble my pedestal mounts.

Having found THE one spot around the console/dash, that doesn't conflict with opening the glovebox, shifting the transmission, or mount over an airbag... I'm going with the Ram 7" pedestal mount, attaching the base high on the plastic trim BESIDE & slightly FORWARD of the shifter.

https://theultimatejeep.com/notfound.pngI can pull that piece out a bit at the bottom, work my hand behind it, and after drilling the seven, 3/8" holes needed to mount the round base, I can hold the nut and washer on underneath, as I tighten them down with a screwdriver from the outside (yes, turning the big handle on the outside of the mount releases the base mount and the radio mount, for ease of installation - also makes it easy to REMOVE the radios en masse, if you need to store them somewhere). And it WILL need to be STRONGLY secured, given what I'm about to load it down with!

Because I'm running a full-size Uniden 980 cb and a Bearcat BCT15C scanner, and because I'm mounting them at such an obtuse angle, the traditional radio bracket mount will put a radio at an unusable angle. And besides which, I'm mounting BOTH radios, to this ONE bracket! :eek: "HOW?!?!," you ask? Through the magic of 90o "L" brackets!

(From this point on, it's crappy cellphone pics - I'll use a REAL camera in the future... ). I was working at my office desk, FYI - hence the odd assortment of pens, packing tape, and other office detritus in some of the photos.

https://theultimatejeep.com/notfound.pnghttps://theultimatejeep.com/notfound.png Mounting the lower radio (scanner) HIGH on the bracket, assures maximum clearance, as it dangles precariously over the center console.

https://theultimatejeep.com/images/imported/2013/07/MOUNT_zps66e3a1eb-1.jpghttps://theultimatejeep.com/notfound.png The CB is mounted high... and slightly offset to the right (your eyes do NOT deceive you). This setup makes FULL use of the RAM mount, by getting two large radios, in ONE space, in a truck NOT condusive to aftermarket mounting. Yeah, the L bracket screws are probably too long, which makes for an "unsightly" build. That's really the LEAST of my worries at THIS point...

NOW that the scanner antenna mount is good to go, running coax and power cables will be the biggest headache. More pictures and story to follow...

07-23-2013, 10:31 AM
This is fascinating. You've got my attention!

07-24-2013, 01:52 PM
Well, here was YESTERDAY'S adventure - trying to see if things will line up where I'd like them. Like, the CB antenna.


Fairly high on the inside of the hatch, so my Wilson antenna gets maximum range, BUT... this area is mostly plastic (the mount isn't long enough to reach steel here), and with a pot barrel spring, and three foot antenna (and quick detach mount), I fear it'll be too much weight and stress on the plastic for it to last long. So I looked at another potential spot.


Three or four mounting points, in tougher plastic, with a convenient ground under the screw holding the luggage rack on... it's a thought - I've ot to see HOW tough that plastic is, though. I'm thinking, maybe between the hatch and the roof topside, and drilling through the roof there. Tube o' silicone, here I come...

Playing with the CB/scanner mount and the console, I see more problems.


The ball mount base is too wide for effective contact. :(

A different mount WILL work here, and power cords and coax can be stuffed under here...


07-24-2013, 01:53 PM
The mounts are still too close to the seat & the console :(, but I think I've found a solution. Much like Lego's, Ram Mounts can be snapped together - to become longer, more obtuse, but STILL effective! :p

NEW idea for a mounting base (http://www.rammount.com/CatalogResults/PartDetails/tabid/63/partid/082065077045066045050051056045084079050085/Default.aspx)! https://theultimatejeep.com/notfound.png

Add ANOTHER arm (http://www.rammount.com/CatalogResults/PartDetails/tabid/63/partid/082065077045066045050048049085045067/Default.aspx) to the current mounting arm - to give me another 6" of height & clearance over the console (can also be angled a bit more towards the driver's side).

https://theultimatejeep.com/notfound.png Add some MORE ability (http://www.rammount.com/CatalogResults/PartDetails/tabid/63/partid/082065080045066045050048048045050085/Default.aspx) to shape, angle, and locate the brackets PRECISELY where I want them! https://theultimatejeep.com/notfound.pngAnd connect them ALL with THIS (http://www.rammount.com/CatalogResults/PartDetails/tabid/63/partid/082065077045066045050049055045049085/Default.aspx)! https://theultimatejeep.com/notfound.png

Which will undoubtedly look SUPER funky, BUT... we'll MAKE 'em FIT!!!

Then again, this might be 31 flavors of AWESOME! :p


07-24-2013, 04:52 PM
You may have to come here and work for us! :)

Those Ram ball mounts are heard to beat, and they tend to stay put too.

You'll have to paint that bracket flat black to match, I hope you know. :p

07-24-2013, 07:04 PM
You may have to come here and work for us! :)

By the time I'm done screwing this up, you'll disavow ALL knowledge of me! :rolleyes:

Those Ram ball mounts are heard to beat, and they tend to stay put too.

You'll have to paint that bracket flat black to match, I hope you know. :p

I've been THINKING about that... I might well order a black one from somebody and do that.

08-27-2013, 04:59 AM
Well, the GOOD news is, my correct-sized mounts finally arrived (and I'm going to reserve the right to tear Ram Mounts a new one over their non-existent customer 'service' to date. They'll sell you a mount faster than you can say "How much?," but their ability to ACKNOWLEDGE an e-mail, drop a dime, or otherwise say 'BOO' after the sale, leaves MUCH to be desired... :mad:), but the bad news is - even taking INTO account some foresight and additional planning, my tinkertoy setup may NOT work as envisioned. More on that later.

Time to install antennaes! Starting with the CB, I finally figured out where to do it! TONS o' crappy cellphone pics a-comin'! :o

Since the roof rails are aluminum, and given my choice of mount, that's where I decided to mount it - left rear edge of the rail.

https://theultimatejeep.com/images/imported/2013/08/0826131326_zps592a88d7-1.jpghttps://theultimatejeep.com/images/imported/2013/08/0826131326a_zps32421458-1.jpg Yes, there will be some stress at highway speeds (which I rarely acheive), but I'm a BIG proponent of barrel springs on CB antennaes, to help offset mount stress in such a location. My antenna is a Wilson 3 footer, so it should be fine in this location. 18' of coax to run - should be plenty leftover in a Commander, right? WRONG! :eek: Turns out, it was BARELY enough!

No holes necessary (aside from the rook rack!) - just a lotta routing, so here we go.


Down and underneath the plastic trim, and behind the tailight.


08-27-2013, 05:00 AM
Ran it along underneath the hatch seal, to that split below the latch. A little of this helps keep it in place in out of sight places! :p


All our plastic trim in the back makes running it around and hiding it out of sight easy enough!

https://theultimatejeep.com/images/imported/2013/08/0826131814a_zps4c81dd0f-1.jpg Hiding it underneath the plastic side trim where applicable, along the way!

https://theultimatejeep.com/images/imported/2013/08/0826131822a_zpse778311e-1.jpg After making the turn out from underneath the left rear door trim, it's under the seats, and out behind the console. Zip ties help hold it in place up against the bottom of the driver's seat, by running them through openings in the rear edge of the seat tracks.

https://theultimatejeep.com/images/imported/2013/08/ZIPTIE_zpsa7178c97-1.jpg That left JUST enough to come out, and mount into this doodad. :rolleyes:

https://theultimatejeep.com/images/imported/2013/08/0826131915_zps024ab7ac-1.jpg NO entertainment center in my Commander means, E - Z mounting! :cool:

08-27-2013, 05:00 AM
As for that radio bracket mounting issue...

https://theultimatejeep.com/images/imported/2013/08/0826131334_zps089385b1-1.jpg Installing a mount that actually fits on the trim piece - a little RTV silicone gasket goop to help it stick better was also used.

https://theultimatejeep.com/notfound.pnghttps://theultimatejeep.com/notfound.png Excess wipes away easily enough.

Here's one possible configuration (I still have an additional 6" long arm and dual-ball joint to utilize). Problem is, it's so TOP heavy, I know it'll NEVER hold on this ball and where it's mounted (trim), even with city driving.

https://theultimatejeep.com/images/imported/2013/08/0826131854_zpsc8b1904a-1.jpg KNOWING that would probably be the case, I ordered THIS double joint SPECIFICALLY, to provide an additional mounting point. Perhaps bolted to some 1/8" sheet plate, screwed in alongside the console on the passenger's side for stability.

https://theultimatejeep.com/notfound.png Shoot - I may just end up using 1/8", 2' long brackets mounted to either side of the console, to mount them above the console thusly! They've GOT to go there anyways - it may be back to the drawing board altogether on the radio mounts. :confused:

08-28-2013, 06:01 AM
I enjoy and learn from your thread with your trials and tribulations.

Your not alone out there with your good and your not so good days !!


09-09-2013, 01:58 PM
Believe it or not, I actually got EVERYTHING installed today!!! https://theultimatejeep.com/images/imported/2013/09/shock-1.gif I got it all figured out - pictures to follow, BUT... I'm a 6' jumper of co-ax short, of actually having it all together!!! https://theultimatejeep.com/images/imported/2013/09/pinch-1.gif

Radio Shack has a 10' strand available - I may run out and get it tonite. I'll also post pics shortly as well!

09-10-2013, 07:06 PM
OK - went to Radio Shack last night, and got my last strand of co-ax for this install. It was hot, muggy, stormy, and late when I got home - all BAD combos trying to adjust and ANTENNA, so I'm gonna hafta get back after that on another day. Here's what I spent the BETTER part of Monday doing, though.

The old mounting spot was just too flimsy, but now I'm left with holes in my plastic! :mad: Got these little doo-dads at Lowe's.


Supposed to plug a hole in a Nissan, according to the instructions, but they work nicely in a Jeep, too! ;) (Still gotta scrub that permanent marker off, too...)


Decided to mout it here instead - much sturdier mounting point, although I hate making MORE holes in the dash.


That, and these screws SUCK! I went back and got different ones later in the day, but no pics of THEM installed.


As for the SCANNER antenna, well, that's a Larsen, and I stuck it on the side of the hood, just as lekmedm did with his CB antenna (http://www.theultimatejeep.com/showthread.php?2420-New-CB-antenna-mount&p=44512#post44512).


Completely forgot to take a picture of the antenna in place... D'OHHH! Oh well, something for a future post!

09-10-2013, 07:07 PM
Here's my antenna, snaking around the hood & door post, and avoiding any more drilling!


Storing the excess!


Mofset power cords, coming BACK through the same route!


I did take a grinding bit, and trim a little of the metal underneath the insulation, to get the wires a little notch to lay low on, while getting the insulation BACK into place.


10awg to the terminals!

Wilson Silver Load 4' 750 watt antenna installed (no - all the wires AROUND it belong to the neighborhood! :p). On a barrel spring and quick detach mounted. NOT tuned yet either... NEXT Monday's project, I suspect...


09-10-2013, 07:08 PM
Baby girl, modeling with my setup. :rolleyes:


Scanner WORKS! :cool:


Here's what it all LOOKS like together (my mic cord is waaaaay too long) - still gotta fine tune the CB, but we're ALMOST home now...

09-10-2013, 10:25 PM
Looks like its coming together very nicely !

Looking good !

09-11-2013, 12:17 PM
Be careful running the wires under the door seal/weather stripping. It'll leak like mine did.

09-11-2013, 03:58 PM
Be careful running the wires under the door seal/weather stripping. It'll leak like mine did.

Yeah, I wanna take my grinding bits, and make a big enough notch for the wires to pass through, AND so that the weatherstripping goes BACK in flush. I'm working on it...

09-12-2013, 08:16 PM
Easier solution = just caulk around the gap that is made from the wires underneath the weather stripping. It solved my issues. But whatever makes it look the best. I don't care sometimes on my jeep, especially when it is just the way something looks that no one will ever see. Function before form.

09-13-2013, 04:51 AM
Easier solution = just caulk around the gap that is made from the wires underneath the weather stripping. It solved my issues. But whatever makes it look the best. I don't care sometimes on my jeep, especially when it is just the way something looks that no one will ever see. Function before form.

Whaddya think - would some RTV silicone git 'r' done?

09-13-2013, 10:42 AM
LOL yea I gues that'll git 'r' done. You got an awesome mod going on there. nicely done. I really want to upgrade my cb and install a scanner. I'm thinking about removing my radio and putting them there.

09-16-2013, 01:53 PM
First off, a little mood music - maestro, if you please!


Since one of my cigarette lighters (a.k.a. "power ports") is burned out, I decided to HARDWIRE my radios, BUT... I didn't want to go running any MORE wire around the door frame, SOOOO... I decided to hotwire BOTH scanner and CB into the fuse panel. A couple of ATM Bussman fuse blocks later...


Cue, the electric spaghetti!!!


And here's what it looks like from the rear, now! :p


More to follow!

09-16-2013, 02:07 PM
And HERE it is - GTG! :cool:


Clears the shifter by about 2". Being adjustable, I can probably get another inch or two if necessary.


Checking out the sideband!


Dead key on Ch.19 with the mofset engaged.


Dead keys right at 1.00 on ch.40; 1.34 on ch.1 I'd like to get it a little lower, but seeing as how my antenna is basically 'no plane' because of how it's mounted, I'll take it.

SPEAKING on antennas! A Larsen, for the scanner.


A Wilson Silver Load 3' quarter wave 750 watt rated for the CB.


Once you disconnedt the power cords and antennas, the whole system comes out very nicely for storage.


Kinda scared myself when I first turned it on this afternoon - NOTHING happened! Since I'm fuse-block wired and grounded to the chassis, the ignition has to be "ON" for the radios to work. On the bright side, I can't forget about leaving them on, and killing the battery (although the little KP-203 HAS to be turned off manually!).

09-16-2013, 02:08 PM
Jeep Commander - Porcupine Special! :p


09-16-2013, 06:44 PM
You're in the pastor's spot. LOL Looks awesome man. Nice mod!!!

09-16-2013, 09:13 PM
You're in the pastor's spot. LOL Looks awesome man. Nice mod!!!

I was borrowing his garage! NOBODY there on a Monday! :p

09-03-2014, 04:48 PM
Welllll... after ALLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLL LLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLL LLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLL that work... I remounted my CB and scanner on Monday. Put the finishing touches on it today, and here's the pics.


The ONLY place you CAN mount full-size CB & scanner in a commander - either side of the console.


Need the scanner closer, so I can lockout repeaters, weak, & scrambled signals


CB, facing me, for convenience.


Mic, where the mount USED to be. Tailgate domelight on the floor. Lens popped out today, so I pulled the assembly & superglued it back together. It was drying down there on the floor still. :rolleyes:

GTG now, so we'll keep it here!

09-03-2014, 06:49 PM
There's another place for a CB...2371

Sent from wherever my Jeep takes me.

09-03-2014, 07:29 PM
There's another place for a CB...2371

Sent from wherever my Jeep takes me.

I thought about that... but I do like to keep my dash clear. Even my camera mount is windshield mounted. Besides, they're pretty snug where they are - they're ALMOST out-of-sight - and I don't hafta worry about putting them in/taking them out constantly. Now... they're IN! :cool:

09-09-2014, 03:28 PM
I don't blame you for moving them! That first mount didn't look like it would hold up to well. I'm bored in welding class, already did projects on bumpers and frames for people I know now I'm out projects LOL. So I might have to take a look and see if I can make a mount that bolts to the seat bolt in the floor.