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View Full Version : Under New Management

03-29-2016, 10:08 PM

It has been a blast to start this forum and work with you all for the past several years. Another Jeep Fan has expressed interest in the forum and with all my other commitments I feel it is time to pass this on to him.

There will still be a big focus on the Commander and Grand Cherokee but he will be adding other Jeeps and paying more attention to the Forum then I have had the time to.

The Steel Armadillo will still have a spot here and I will retain my membership so I hope you all will stay around and watch the growth.

Thanks again for everything.


04-03-2016, 05:41 PM
I'm the Jeep Fan that Knappster was referring to. I hope to re-energize The Ultimate Jeep.com and get things back on track. To that end I've begun some changes, nothing to drastic - I've upgraded the forum software to the latest version, installed the new version of Tapatalk (mobile app for viewing The Ultimate Jeep on your phone), and done a number of other behind the scenes things.

I plan to slowly roll out new options for the forum. Some of the things I plan on rolling out in the next few weeks are:
- monthly newsletter
- a new forum theme / design that looks good on phones, tablets, and desktops