View Full Version : Your Vote Counts

11-02-2010, 08:20 AM

If you have not already done so or mailed in your ballet, please do not forget to get out and vote today!


11-03-2010, 06:39 AM
Thank you for my run for US Senator
Thank you to all my supporters for my run for US Senator this year.

Ladies and gentleman. Our country has come to a crossroad, and now
you have the power to change the political landscape of America.

As I have said time and time again, if you elect me to be your face in
the senate, there are several things I will do to ensure that your needs
are met day in and day out across this land.

First of all, I plan on proposing new legislation that will invest more tax dollars
in in me, not only to meet the needs of today, but to encourage developing
minds for the future. Such new funding would be used to fund off road trips,
fire idiot teachers, renovate schools, and give authority to classroom
teachers to beat and bully education into the minds of youg idiots.

To accomplish this, I am proposing a rechanneling of our excess tax revenue
to meet these demands. Now, the incumbent and his staff have been talking
about this for years with little progress. I plan to change all of this now.

When elected, I promise to give my all to my elected position and make sure
your issues and concerns are fully addressed at the local and national level.

I have 2 new campaign managers for Funding and Issues. Lookout...

Don "cico7" Pirtle
Vote for psyco!

11-03-2010, 08:03 AM
All things considered I think yesterday was a good day for America!

11-03-2010, 04:54 PM
Not in NY!