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03-10-2011, 09:33 PM
Not sure how many know about Griot's. I have had the 3" random orbital buffer for some time now and it works excellent on any finish. Its small enough to get into all of the creases and such for the Jeep. I used that and some Zymol wax on the beastie tonight and the paint just pops! First time it looks deep red with a mirror finish and you can really see the metallic flakes in the paint.


03-11-2011, 05:28 AM
Someone should right up a how to on polishing your jeep with these things. I know you can polish your glass as well that would be another great how to thread. I got tons of scratches on my XK most are just in the wax or clear coat I think would be nice to be able to get rid of them.

03-11-2011, 06:38 AM
I dont know about their products specifically, but I could do a write - up on buffing / polishing.

03-11-2011, 08:28 AM
I dont know about their products specifically, but I could do a write - up on buffing / polishing.

That would be great. I've got a years worth of trail stripes and stuff and i would love to do my own work.

03-11-2011, 11:29 AM
I dont know about their products specifically, but I could do a write - up on buffing / polishing.

I too would appreciate this, I have never buffed my Commander and I have LOTS of Arizona Pin-striping that I would like to clean up.

03-11-2011, 05:28 PM
Let me check what I can do. For our clear coats it really depends what compound you use that will make the paint pop. I could not get every trail scar out, but then again who want's to? Used Meguires cleaner / wax as a first pas then the Meguires NXT that really brought the deepness to it. I set the buffer on setting 4/6. Its really not too hard if you just make sure you get good coverage and don't press to hard (Griots orbital has a clutch so you really cant burn the paint)

I have used the glass polish and set it on 6/6 speed. Honestly it did not do what I wanted, but sure have a slippery and clean window - no water spots.