View Full Version : What do you think of this response to a questionnaire?

04-14-2011, 08:09 AM
What do you think of this response to a questionnaire?

Think of efficiency in time usage.

Don’t waste time with unnecessary emails and thank you notes. They are distracting.
Do not prompt me when I am starting a task asking if I would like to take part in a survey.
Make it a question at the end, but not a popup.

When I do a survey, if I leave an answer blank, I did not intend on answering it.
If I have to keep going back, I exit the survey.

The time to complete a task increases three fold prior to the interruption.
If I can't get something done timely, I move to another carrier.

All this being said, live chat is great if it works. But answer the question; tell me if I need to call on a more time consuming issue.
But don’t take 30 seconds to respond. Get in, Get out, and move on.

If I do call in, don’t waste time telling me to try on line. If I could do it on line, I would not be calling you.

04-14-2011, 08:16 AM
I like it I do the same thing if I take a survey and skid a question I did it on purpose. I've just canceled surveys because they tried forcing me to answer a question I didn't feel like responding to. Oh and calling in for get, "did you try online first" No crap, I just like wasting my time calling LOL I usually know more then they do anyway.

04-14-2011, 09:58 PM
When someone calls me for a questionnaire I ask them to give me their phone number and I will call them and ask them questions later.