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View Full Version : Plasti-dip Tool Dip for shackles

05-18-2011, 06:13 AM
A lot of people paint their shackles red or black or have them powder coated. I have a different idea that I'm going to try.... I'm going to coat them with tool dip. I've used this stuff in the past and it tends to hold up really well. When it gets damaged you just give it another dip. :)

They also sell a kit where you can make your own color. I'm going with Blue... I kind of like the white/blue combo and red is very common (and I like being a bit different as well).

Will update with pics and a review.

05-18-2011, 09:28 AM
I've used the stuff before. It holds up fairly well on things that flex. (Cable ends) One shackles, the first use will rip it off, but they'll stay looking nice until you have to hook up a cable. The stuff isn't rock hard, it's a bit soft for tool gripping. (As it should be)

The only thing I don't like is once you open the can, it's like PVC pipe glue - the clock starts ticking. Get yourself a big pile of things to coat, so when you open the can, you can do a big batch. Chances are that the next time you open the can to do more, (After a couple of weeks) the contents will have become semi-solid.

05-18-2011, 09:38 AM
Yeah a chain will cut it up.... but the chain will damage almost any coating. It would probably hold up pretty good when a strap loop is attached to it.

Either case I'd just give them a re-dip after they get tore up... just like how I'd respray them with paint if I went that route.

I've had pretty good luck resealing the containers after use. A few layers of saran wrap and a few turns of duct tape seals it up pretty good. I've redipped tools after a year using the same can.