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06-16-2011, 06:37 AM
First I haven't taken anything apart to look at it. Coming home from the beach I got in my neighborhood and heard my right front brake kinda grinding. I thought well time for pads but I tapped the brakes and it went away. :confused: Next day nothing hit the brakes at work got the grinding again after a few taps to the brakes getting out of the lot it went away again.:mad: Now I'm thinking I have a stuck caliper. But while on the brakes everything including the sound and feel is normal. I randomly get that grinding noise while braking or coasting. I can't take it apart yet to see whats up I tweaked my neck and it's just starting to feel better. So thought I would get some input on this before I start.

06-16-2011, 06:45 AM
Stuck calipers won't cause a grinding sounds..... unless they wear down the pads to metal on metal, but then the sound wont go away.

Probably have some dirt/rocks trapped in there. Take it apart, clean everything up, put some brake lube on the back of the pads and the arbor and you'll probably be good.

Check your CV axle (half shaft) boots and the axle itself for any play. Grinding could be coming from the joint if its worn.... it'll try to dislodge itself. Tapping the brakes may be reseating it.

06-16-2011, 06:55 AM
Maybe you got a small rock in there or your getting close to the wear bar on the brake pads?? Who knows. I would have to take it apart and look at it to figure out whats wrong.

06-16-2011, 07:03 AM
I was thinking wear indicator but it being random made me lean away from that. Hopefully its not the CV I'm not up to changing that LOL. I first thought crap or sand was in there as well but I haven't been physically able to jack it up and remove the tires. I'm hoping to be up to taking it apart this weekend and take a look.

06-16-2011, 10:27 AM
You answered yourself when you said beach. Everytime I go I get sand in my ebrake drums. I've also gotten larger rocks stuck between the backing plates and the rotors that will not make a peep then all of the sudden it sounds like the wheel is ready to fall off.

06-16-2011, 11:15 AM
Well I know I have to just pull the wheels I'm guessing sand rock something caught in there. I just took my wife's washing machine apart and power washed it LOL now I'm tired so I'll take a look at it tomorrow I guess or when the sun goes down but I plan having some beers tonight so that might not be a good idea.

06-16-2011, 11:42 AM
On the contrary
.... I think sal + beers + working on Jeep in wheel wells = excellent idea!

.... I bet we'll have some new/cool fender mod by tomorrow morning!

06-16-2011, 11:44 AM
Ya no **** you see what happen to my bumper last time I was drinking and wrenching LMAO it turned out cool but still :)

06-17-2011, 08:56 AM
Well Sal it's tomorrow.......Is Bam Bam still in once piece?

06-17-2011, 09:11 AM
Well Sal it's tomorrow.......Is Bam Bam still in once piece?


It's probably something caught between the back plate and the rotor intermittenly (sp?) causing your noise issue.

06-17-2011, 12:17 PM
Well, I'm drinking and wrenching LOL again not a good idea ahhahah. The front looked good tons of life left on the pads. I pulled the rear and the inside pad is almost gone :( I'm guessing that's the sound of my problem. Either way I have to replace the rear pads now so I guess it don't matter. I did have a pause while the rear wheel was off and I started eye balling stuff LOL I put the tire back on real quick before I got any strange ideas :). I did how ever manage to finally shampoo the inside of my Jeep :) I'm taking a break so who knows what I'll do later hahahahah

06-17-2011, 02:07 PM
On the contrary
.... I think sal + beers + working on Jeep in wheel wells = excellent idea!

.... I bet we'll have some new/cool fender mod by tomorrow morning!
HAHAHAHAHAHAHA thats awesome.

06-18-2011, 06:35 AM
Tymac said in another thread you need be sure to clean the sand from your radiator. I think you should clean it while you have things torn apart...

06-18-2011, 06:56 AM
Tymac said in another thread you need be sure to clean the sand from your radiator. I think you should clean it while you have things torn apart...

The first thing I do when I get back from the beach is attack the XK with a power washer top to bottom. I even crawl underneath and spray all my boots off and everything I can to clean it up. Sand is no joke its as bad as mud IMO just easier to clean up. The one benifit of sand is it gets your tires clean again:) they look bran spanking new when you come off the beach LOL