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07-22-2011, 02:59 PM
Lets see'm. Let's see the WK's rolling through here!

07-22-2011, 04:49 PM

Holaday07 4.7
07-22-2011, 06:35 PM

Couldn't have not sait it better myself lol

07-22-2011, 06:39 PM
Me thinks AJ needs to do some recruit'n https://theultimatejeep.com/notfound.png

07-22-2011, 07:16 PM
What's a WK?

07-23-2011, 07:55 PM
What's a WK?

Can you take a WK off road? (toung in cheek) :)

Holaday07 4.7
07-24-2011, 06:49 AM
Can you take a WK off road? (toung in cheek) :)

lol them fightn words

07-24-2011, 06:52 AM
Can you take a WK off road? (toung in cheek) :)

OF COURSE you can take if off road. Hell... you can take a Pinto off road... the real question is "Can you get the WK back ON road?" :p

07-24-2011, 07:11 AM
LMCAO!!!!!!!!!!! You guys are not right!

07-24-2011, 07:14 AM
Sure would love for some WK owners show up and prove us wrong.... https://theultimatejeep.com/notfound.png

07-24-2011, 07:35 AM
Sure would love for some WK owners show up and prove us wrong.... https://theultimatejeep.com/notfound.png

You mean there is more than one WK?

07-24-2011, 07:38 AM
You mean there is more than one WK?

Not if more than 1 person actually has good taste...

07-24-2011, 08:02 AM
I cant believe all this smack talk going on and no Sal. It's like watching a football game with no tv. Or, we just don't have a life today.........LOL.

07-24-2011, 08:11 AM
lol im trying to get in the shots while I can. I'm bringing the kids to my parents house to go swimming this afternoon... im expecting some good posts to respond to when i get back!

07-25-2011, 03:42 AM
Wow, no response..........interesting.

07-25-2011, 04:39 AM
man you guys no how to make someone feel welcome....

07-25-2011, 05:04 AM
Lol we were hoping the reverse psychology would work. You know how people always sign up on other forums to "defend" themselves? Well... figured once we get them here they'd stick around. :)

07-25-2011, 05:09 AM
I figured that out but that usually don't work. I've signed up for forums to jump in a thread but then when that thread died so did my interest in the place. Keep modding and doing new stuff and just link this forum when you post else where and they will come. Also invites threw PM work sometimes. We have some of the best mods and for sure the most information cataloged out there for our platform so I think it will happen.

07-25-2011, 05:36 AM
for sure the most information cataloged out there for our platform.

I agree

07-25-2011, 05:41 AM
I'm sure any of those guys reading this thread know its all in good fun. Lol we are basically driving the same exact vehicles

07-25-2011, 05:47 AM
I agree Mat I'm sure they all get it as I did :) Having AJ over is a good start I know Toby joined up as well. I think they will have to do some recruiting to get more WK's over here. I agree that once the WK guys get here and start seeing all the info we have here thats easy to find as well they will stick around.

07-25-2011, 12:02 PM
Once more guys join up and start posting we can have the admin delete all our bs posts.

But until then, lets bash away!!! BWAHAHAHAHAHA!!!!!

07-25-2011, 12:07 PM
Once more guys join up and start posting we can have the admin delete all our bs posts.

But until then, lets bash away!!! BWAHAHAHAHAHA!!!!!

Lol I like the way you think!

07-26-2011, 07:40 AM
Speaking of it..................where did AJ go?

07-26-2011, 09:46 AM
Speaking of it..................where did AJ go?

Couldn't really get a word in... I was too amused.

07-26-2011, 10:07 AM
Couldn't really get a word in... I was too amused.

Ahh man, I was trying to defend you guys(WK) but, there was just too many of them to fight off. That Matt guy was instigating(sp?) the whole thing! Glad to see you are still here...........I got your back bro!

07-26-2011, 10:38 AM
Someone hacked my account..... I swear....

07-26-2011, 10:57 AM
Someone hacked my account..... I swear....

I noticed mine was too....Hmmm, Sal has been quiet on this thread. I wonder................not pointing fingers or anything.....................it could of been.................just saying.

07-26-2011, 12:29 PM
I bet it was Susie..

07-27-2011, 08:31 AM
I bet it was Susie..

Or Margeret.......

07-27-2011, 08:46 AM
Or Margeret.......
Caleb dressed as Margeret...

07-27-2011, 08:48 AM
Caleb dressed as Margeret...

And stuck on a curb

07-27-2011, 09:44 AM
Crap, i thought i took those pics off of facebook....?...

07-29-2011, 09:52 PM
Hey fellas, 05 WK with SL here.

07-29-2011, 10:05 PM
Love the SL - and really like that rear tire mount!

07-30-2011, 03:52 AM
Nice WK! Love the color and awesome mods!

07-30-2011, 04:52 AM
Love that WK!

07-30-2011, 06:37 AM
I really like the tool box in the rear that's my favorite part.

07-30-2011, 06:53 AM
I really like the tool box in the rear that's my favorite part.

That one is one of my favorites also, I needed something to carry all my tools and recovery gear so I removed the factory floor board and replaced it with this one piece box.


This is the inside side view during the building process.


The box looks heavy but it's really not. It weights about 60 lbs dry with tool box, I used 7/16 ply to help keep it light.
I still need to wire it up for electrical power and I will be set.

07-30-2011, 06:55 AM
That is a very nice mod, thanks for sharing!

07-30-2011, 07:05 AM
That storage/tool box mod is badass!

07-30-2011, 10:55 AM
Hello Fellas! Some might know me from JF. Figured I would come over to the dark side for a bit. This was the first thread I saw, so I can't be too far off! Though I see more XK in here than WK??? Nice to see AJ and Carlos over here. Looks like I am making it a Khaki Trio!


07-30-2011, 11:14 AM
Welcome Omelet, glad you showed up.

07-30-2011, 02:40 PM
Glad you guys made over here.

07-30-2011, 02:58 PM
I want that frickin' tire carrier, NOW !!

07-30-2011, 03:51 PM
This place is getting better and better :)

07-30-2011, 04:11 PM
nice looking WK's. I like the tire rack as well.

07-30-2011, 05:09 PM
This place is getting better and better :)

Ya I agree those are some of the 3 of the nicest modded out WK's as well so lots of good stuff. But all the same color LOL

07-31-2011, 05:55 AM
Ya I agree those are some of the 3 of the nicest modded out WK's as well so lots of good stuff. But all the same color LOL

Hi Nathan, and Carl. Lol, Sal - I don't consider mine quite on par with Carlos and Nathan, but I am flattered.

07-31-2011, 06:13 AM
OK now we need some garage threads from you guys!

Hey isn't it sweet that we don't have to post every single thing in just one forum anymore? 8)

07-31-2011, 05:54 PM
OK now we need some garage threads from you guys!

Hey isn't it sweet that we don't have to post every single thing in just one forum anymore? 8)

I would start one, but this time next month I'll be working on a completely different Jeep. I'll post a garage then :D

07-31-2011, 07:01 PM
I would start one, but this time next month I'll be working on a completely different Jeep. I'll post a garage then :D

X2 :)

07-31-2011, 08:34 PM
Never fear for Bumzo1 is here! Maybe its time to change the url to xkandawesomekhakiwk-forum.com :D


07-31-2011, 08:38 PM
Welcome aboard bro

08-01-2011, 03:38 AM
Never fear for Bumzo1 is here! Maybe its time to change the url to xkandawesomekhakiwk-forum.com :D



08-01-2011, 05:24 AM
Lmao. Now that's an awesome first post!

08-01-2011, 03:06 PM
To funny Bunzo! That makes 4 Khaki WK's?? lol

08-02-2011, 01:02 PM
Run! They are multiplying!!!

How great would it be to get the entire Khaki Club over here! Now that would be funny.

4 Khakis and counting...

08-04-2011, 02:14 PM
Actually it was really really funny when I created the Wheel and Tire combo thread at JF... because the first 8 jeeps were all Khaki's (Unintentionally). Khaki's really break the mold for WK's... Or maybe we are just the most social and outgoing people. Either way, Khaki's WK's mean business.

08-06-2011, 07:09 PM
Just in case there was some confusion. Jeep did manufacture the WK in colors besides Khaki. Like Brilliant Black Crystal Pearl Coat :p

08-06-2011, 07:18 PM
No way! Everyone knows you had it painted black!

08-06-2011, 07:33 PM
No way! Everyone knows you had it painted black!

Ya got me. It's really Khaki and I Plasti-dipped it. :rolleyes:

08-06-2011, 07:54 PM
Dang it Budasac! we were on a role!! lol Welcome!

08-06-2011, 08:42 PM
YES!!!! The Khaki Kurse is broken!

08-06-2011, 08:45 PM
YES!!!! The Khaki Kurse is broken!


08-08-2011, 05:04 AM
I am never leaving for a week again. I leave and I come back to all these WKs rolling around!

Welcome guys.

08-08-2011, 05:37 AM
I am never leaving for a week again. I leave and I come back to all these WKs rolling around!Welcome guys.
See what happens when you leave the fort unguarded and doors unlocked?!

08-08-2011, 09:13 AM
give a wk an inch, and we'll take a mile... careful!

08-08-2011, 07:36 PM
give a wk an inch, and we'll take a mile... careful!
Nicely said! I might steal that quote! :)

08-09-2011, 07:30 AM
Hola.... im here!

Now... who has stereo questions? LOL!

08-09-2011, 07:36 AM
Hola.... im here!

Now... who has stereo questions? LOL!

Glad you could make it. Take a look around. Everything is broken up well here. So you wont see those questions unless you want to haha!

08-09-2011, 07:55 AM
Its funny because I never really mind chiming in to help on things... but whoever is asking better damn well have done their homework first. I mean at least READ the first page of posts before asking a question lol!

I do like the layout much better here.

08-10-2011, 09:11 AM
Its funny because I never really mind chiming in to help on things... but whoever is asking better damn well have done their homework first. I mean at least READ the first page of posts before asking a question lol!

I do like the layout much better here.

What's a "WK"?

08-10-2011, 09:45 AM
What's a "WK"?
That depends on your definition of what "what" is.

Hola.... im here! Now... who has stereo questions? LOL!
Is that like 2 questions at once?

Hola.... im here! who has stereo questions? LOL!
Are you going to be like meatball and just disappear while someone is asking ????

08-10-2011, 09:46 AM
What's a "WK"?

a Milestone Jeep, that will never be discontinued.

08-10-2011, 10:21 AM
a Milestone Jeep, that will never be discontinued.

LOW ****ING BLOW! Get out!

08-10-2011, 10:31 AM
LOW ****ING BLOW! Get out!


08-10-2011, 10:41 AM

I love the sibling rivalry.

Dan, don't let our little sisters bother you. :p

08-10-2011, 10:44 AM

I love the sibling rivalry.

Dan, don't let our little sisters bother you. :p

It isnt all his fault. I really have to buy a new battery. It wont hold a charge at all. 100 bucks I didnt want to spend.

08-10-2011, 10:50 AM

I love the sibling rivalry.

Dan, don't let our little sisters bother you. :p

If we are sisters. WK's would be the smaller, less heavy, more attractive, and more experienced. Given our 1993 DNA. XK's would be the 10 y/o unplanned younger sister born out of weddlock.

08-10-2011, 10:55 AM
you guys are crazy lol

08-10-2011, 10:56 AM
No we're not sisters. The XK is clearly the big brother. The cute little WK is the princess. :)

08-10-2011, 11:41 AM
No we're not sisters. The XK is clearly the big brother. The cute little WK is the princess. :)

EXACTLY...........oops, caps lock.

AJ, please change the color of your sig lettering, it's causing my eyes to go crosseyed! LOL.....

08-10-2011, 12:56 PM
No we're not sisters. The XK is clearly the big brother. The cute little WK is the princess. :)
what, Aj's a princess? what did I miss?

08-10-2011, 12:59 PM
Lol don't make my insults any worse than I intended!!!

08-10-2011, 01:02 PM
a Milestone Jeep, that will never be discontinued.

WOW that one was rough bro :(

08-10-2011, 01:22 PM
WOW that one was rough bro :(

STUPID ME.... So sorry guys - Entirely forgot that the XK was discontinued. Was trying to figure out what was going on, lol.

08-10-2011, 02:28 PM
LMAO dude you shouldn't have said that! I was impressed, that was one hell of a passive aggressive insult...

Though its even funnier now knowing that you didn't even realize how great of a line it was at the time you wrote it!

08-10-2011, 04:29 PM
Or... Was I just being coy??? I gues we'll never know!

08-10-2011, 04:46 PM
Oh i know... i know 824

08-11-2011, 07:37 AM
Is that like 2 questions at once?

Are you going to be like meatball and just disappear while someone is asking ????

lol wut?

08-11-2011, 07:41 AM
lol wut?

We had a resident sound guy that offered to help anyone with that kind of stuff but he would disappear in the middle of threads Don's just trying to be funny.

08-11-2011, 07:41 AM
No we're not sisters. The XK is clearly the big brother. The cute little WK is the princess. :)

Clearly we are just more aerodynamic.... :p

Besides... the last time I saw a ragtop it was on a chick car :D

08-11-2011, 07:42 AM
We had a resident sound guy that offered to help anyone with that kind of stuff but he would disappear in the middle of threads Don's just trying to be funny.

Ah... lol makes sense. I mean, why stick around to give an answer when you can berate the poster instead!