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  1. Vacation... Is it a state of mind?

    As the month of July draws even closer I cannot help but get a little excited about my up-coming vacation. a year ago I penciled in the month of July 2010 for my vacation, now with under a week to go it is hard to remain focused at work.

    Friday July 2nd my wife and I plan to pull out of the driveway early in the morning to enjoy a well deserved rest. The kids (now adults) are staying at home and for the first time in 21 years Janet & I get a vacation that is truly just ours. Our plans ...
  2. Thinking of hitting the trail this weekend?

    First and foremost, before you hit the road, you need to make sure your 4WD vehicle is in sound mechanical condition.

    To determine whether your 4x4 vehicle is trail ready and capable of surviving a trip off-road, first do a visual inspection - inside and out. Then, take a few minutes to more closely inspect the inner workings of your ride - make sure that the following parts are in good working condition and you don't hear any strange noises coming from these areas:

    Trail Rides
  3. Spare Key, Do you have one?

    One thing that has always been a concern for me is what would I do if I list my Jeep key while out on a trail ride. I am sure you have all been on one of those rides where you stop someplace for lunch, to check out a ghost town or take a short hike and you know you cannot leave the key in the Jeep. So what do you do if you lose your key?

    Well the answer to that problem is to have a spare key so that you are not left on the trail. We all know that the modern electronics make it more ...
  4. First Aid Kit

    A First Aid Kit is one of those tools that should ALWAYS be in your 4X and for that matter any other vehicle you drive as well. When I was the scoutmaster of a local Boy Scout Troop I had the honor of following in the footsteps of an Emergency Room Doctor who was not only a great Scout Master but a Great man. He really held to the motto of "Be Prepared" and the troop first aid kit was no exception.

    There are many sources for information on first aid kits but I think one of the best ...
  5. Happy Father's Day

    I grew up without a dad, life was not bad but I imagine it could have been better. As today is fathers day I encourage each one of you to make a phone call or drive over and say Happy Father's Day to the man who helped raise you. We all know it takes a man and a women to bring new life into the world and any man can father a child, but it takes a real man to be a "Dad". I wish I had someone today to call or visit but sadly I do not. Take time to extend your greetings before you too are unable to ...
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