• TheUltimateJeep.com comes to life

    For months now we as members have been talking about adding the WK format to our forum and asking what changes would need to be made to welcome another whole group to our small but growing forum. Through this discussion it became obvious that one thing that would need to be addressed is the forum name itself, XK-Forum is great for the XK owners but not so inviting to other platforms.

    I have purchased the domain www.theultimatejeep.com and begun the transition to move everything over to this new address which I feel will be best for both the XK.XH and the WK platforms.

    You will notice that the Grand Cherokee has been added to most forums where we at one time showed only the Commander, this too is to give more places for a new members to feel welcome. It is by the inclusion of these additional members that we can continue to grow this forum and ultimately become the leading Commander and Grand Cherokee community website.

    More improvements are in the works and I encourage you as members to keep suggesting those ideas which will make this the one true place to belong.