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Spare Key, Do you have one?

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One thing that has always been a concern for me is what would I do if I list my Jeep key while out on a trail ride. I am sure you have all been on one of those rides where you stop someplace for lunch, to check out a ghost town or take a short hike and you know you cannot leave the key in the Jeep. So what do you do if you lose your key?

Well the answer to that problem is to have a spare key so that you are not left on the trail. We all know that the modern electronics make it more difficult to use a flat key and hot wiring the Jeep is out of the question anymore.

When I was Scoutmaster of the Boy Scout troop we always had spare keys, the driver had one and the adult passenger had the spare, this is one way to make sure that even if the key is lost or locked in the vehicle you still have a way to get home.

You can always carry a spare in your wallet but again these new keys are much too big for that so lets look for another place to hide a key. One suggestion is to place your spare into a small zip lock bag and then using electrical tape attach the key to a wire harness under the vehicle, most people will not notice it and those that do will think you just have a mess of wire connections under the tape.

Many vehicles have hidden compartments that you can locate and safely tuck a key away inside as well. You might be able to fold your side mirror in and then place a key in that space before repositioning the mirror.

If you have any great ideas on where to store a spare key please share them with us!
