The Off-Topic Cafe forum is for discussion of everything else in the universe that fits into no other subject specifically categorized on forums. All discussions must be work safe, other then that, sit down and enjoy a cup of coffee!
Wanna play an online / in-forum game? This thread has just what you are looking for. Posts in this section DO NOT count towards your post total.
Have a Joke, funny story? Share it with us here. Posts in this thread do not count towards your post total.
Have you gone to the theater or movies lately? Share a review here!
Did you see a news story that you think we might be interested in? If so post it up here for discussion. Posts in this section DO NOT count towards your post total.
This area is for topics concerning different types of firearms, gun carrying techniques, firearms handling/safety, current gun laws/concealed carry, etc. Political commentary and/or reference to politicians for the purpose of flaming or insults will not be tolerated in this area
Have a nice collection of guns, want to share that list with your fellow forum members, this is the place.
Are you involved with any sports or have something to share about your favorite college or pro team, camping or other outdoor recreation share it here.
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