Hate to throw this into the mix but,
I just bought a Nikon D 5000.
We have several point and shoots one Cannon and 2 Fujis.
But we really wanted a DSLR, mostly for sports and vacations.
The technology in these things is great.
I really need to go to a class to learn how to use all that it has.
But out of the box it worked great, and I'm sure the Cannons do as well.
I bought mine the old fashion way and went to reputable camera store, listened to what they had to say, didn't understand all of it, but listened.
I paid about $40.00 more than a box store but the info and their help was worth the money.
I have called there once to ask a question and they were happy to help. So the tech support was worth the extra dough.

Good Luck