Just wanted to share how tired I am LOL. I spent thee days painting my jeep in this heat then spent 1 day scrubbing my garage floor clean by hand on my knees but now its prepped for epoxy. Just spent two days painting my daughters room yes two days but you would have to see the wall we did to understand that. Also just spent the entire day today painting my sons room which is not done I have to paint dragon ball Z Ki characters on his wall now. Tomorrow I think will be a relaxing day I hope then saturday I have about 5hrs of driving to do which will result in a new thread by the way I'm pretty excited about that. So thats seven days total of painting or prep or clean up for painting. I think I'm done with painting for a while. Oh no great not done painting I have to add the third test strip of paint to the under side of the XK then pick one then paint that now I guess I'll be busy friday as well. But for now I'm in my backyard sitting down finally reading some jeep threads, Ahhhh life is good.