Did mine last night thanks to the handy write up. Took about 2 hours (and i recoated a squeaky brake with brake grease while i had the caliper off). Since i have longer springs (OME) I ended up removing the entire strut. I didn't use any spring compressors.

As far as removing stuff in the engine bay: (4.7L) The passenger side you have to take a bolt off the coolant resevoir (right next to engine) and a little screw on paper thin nut right next to breather side then it will slide toward the engine and pull it up and out of the way. I didn't remove any coolant lines. I just twisted it around and sat it down on the front of the engine. This allowed quick access to the 4 strut top bolts.

The driver's side is more intimidating but not hard. The two fuse boxes just have tabs on them that you can use a flat head screwdriver to push in and pull up the fuse box. I didn't unhook any wires or anything, just twisted them up and out of the way. The plate that they mount to has 3 small nuts holding it on. I also didn't remove this cover just pushed it up while i accessed the 4 strut top bolts. It was slightly inconvienent but easy enough.

Hope that can clarify the engine removal stuff for future DIYers