I went to the Jeep dealership last week to get my oil changed and have my fog lights enabled, DRL lights set and have them adjust for my tire size (255/75R17).

The technician that worked on my car managed to get the DRLs working (I had to tell him the procedure - thanks to others who have posted it elsewhere), but he couldn't find a menu giving me a choice for which of the lights would come on for DRL (I wanted the high beams). Luckily, the high beams are what came on by default. He was concerned about switching the car to Canadian and back (necessary to enable DRLs) and told me that I'm on my own if the change screws up the computer. I know enough Commander owners have done the same thing so I told him to proceed. Not surprisingly, everything's fine.

The one thing that he could not do is change the tire size to match my tires. He (and by now, the service manager who came out of his hole when he heard the tech warning me about the DRL change) told me that the Starscan only has tires that Chrysler sold with the XK and my size wasn't listed. He gave me a choice of a few different sizes, but I'm not a tire guy so I told him to pick whatever he thought was the biggest in the list. He picked 245/60R18 (saying it's an 18" wheel so it must be bigger) but it made absolutely no difference in the speedometer being off - it's still about 10% slow.

I guess I'm going to have to pick up a Superchips programmer; something I've been thinking of doing anyway to try to improve my mileage. I'll just live with using my GPS for a speedometer until I can save up the buckage.

I told the service manager that I didn't want Chrysler to try to hose me later because my mileage is 10% low. He said the only time he's seen Chrysler have a problem with mods is when you get into 4" or bigger (never heard of bigger than 4" on an XK) because they make too radical a change in the drive train geometry.

So now, at least my fogs are working and the DRLs come on. The DRLs are a little odd though -- when I hit the turnsignal, the light on that side of the XK goes out and stays out until the turn signal is canceled. Do all y'all with DRLs activated have the same behavior, or is there maybe an option in Starscan that turns that off? It's nothing I can't live with - it just makes the XK look like one headlight is burned out when I'm signaling a turn.

I asked them how much to change the fluid in the transfer case, & differential -- $250. I guess I'll be going through those DIY videos and doing it myself..

$50 for the oil change and tire rotation, $55 for the Starscan work. Could have been worse (they wanted $100 for the starscan changes last time I asked them).