My thinking is that if you dont want to be pepper sprayed, tazed, and arrested, then dont purposefully put yourself in that situation. On the other hand, if you are trying to get a rise out of everyone and claim police brutality then the more power to you but you deserve what you get. If the cops ask/tell you to leave / disperse and you refuse to then you are trespassing and the police have the right to ticket or arrest. I dont have a problem with the pepper spraying, the cops made that decision based on what they were seeing and feeling at the time. We cant see the whole incident from this one video. If they came in bashing with batons and busting noses then I would think that was a bit extreme. The pepper spray looked to be pretty diluted to me. The constitution gives us the right to assemble and protest peacefully but once you are asked to leave private property then you need to move on. If they really were protesting something they should have stood out on the street corner with signs expressing their feelings not sitting on private property blocking passage of a sidewalk, instigating.