I let mine hang, like so. Nothing wrong with that... Just be careful not to break them. You can hang them behind something if you like. Just don't forget that you need to plug them back in once everything is done.

Remove these rivets as well and don't confuse them with the onces you removed from the grill. Place them with the other rivets, screws, etc that hold the bumper in place.

Underneathe the bumper are 3 MORE bolts.. unscrew these... place these with the other bumpe-associated rivets, screws as well.

There are also rivets that keep the bumper in place and attach it to the wheel wheel. Remove these rivets - I'd supply a picture but I broke these a long time ago, lol.

NOW is the time to pull that bumper off.. it SLIDES OFF.. so pull towards you. Start from one end and go to the next... you won't hurt anything... get to work.

The brackets that you ordered need to be placed behind this metal housing that is here. Unscrew this, set the screw inside the metal housing.. and place these also in a location where you will not trample, step on, or otherwise lose - lol. I placed them on the floor of my Jeep.

It should look like this once you have unscrewed it and removed that piece of metal (I have no idea what the name of it is.