Well, I suppose it's about time to start my build/garage. I'm combining my Jeep build with my garage build since they are both on-going at the same time.

The Jeep is a 2005 Grand Cherokee with a V6 and QT1. (I'll come back and update my jeep build soon.)

The garage is a 24' x 30' stick built wrapped in metal with 2 nine foot automatic garage doors and a basic 36" passage door.

Originally when I moved here 3 years ago, there was an old building behind my house. It was a 20' x 20' block building and the roof was about to cave in. I stored what I had to in there but I always hated it. I don't have any pictures of it because it was that pathetic. Well, summer of 2011, some stupid idiot broke into that crappy block building an stole a few tools. I was pissed to say the least and said I'll fix it so they won't be able to do that again. So I hired a crew and they built my garage August 2011.

First the old building came down and a pad was made.

6" x 6" post in each corner and 2" x 6" studs go horizontal. And the passage door.

Rafters, sheathing boards (spelling?), and begin wrapping it with some insulation and white metal on the sides.

Finish white metal sides and charcoal gray roof. Eaves are boxed to keep the critters out. (critters = birds and thiefs)

Concrete poured. 4 inches all around with 6" at the sides. The cieling is 10' tall so no room for a lift thus only need 4" of concrete.