I just got back from 5 days in 4-wheel heaven. There were four vehicles from Albuquerque and perfect weather.
On Friday afternoon we had just enough daylight to do the first half of Fins and Things.
On Saturday, I elected to join up with a group from Salt Lake City doing Flat Iron Rim (in the reverse direction--rated 7). The first major obstacle was called "The Intimidator" and with good reason. The trail came very close to the edge of a 400 foot cliff (and I do mean cliff!). We had to squeeze between a large rock and the edge on a turning, off-camber, ledgey section:

I broke another CV half shaft climbing Easter Egg Hill and had to winch up, but was carrying a spare and in 45 minutes, we were back on the trail again.

One of the last obstacles was called "The Chute" and consisted of a steep 30 ft plunge. The rest of the group winched down, but my buddy Jamie got me to let him drive "Sherman" down unassisted: