Tomorrow night after running Black Bear and Ophir Pass we will meet at the Pizza & Pastry shop for our annual WC Camp XK Dinner and awards presentation.

last year we had some really great prizes and everyone who attended left with something. This year there are not as many items but everyone gets something and some lucky participants will walk away with some really cool things.

1) 4xGuard is offering up a set of Aries tail-light guards (El Cid)
2) $50 (tire) / $100 (wheel & Tire) Discount from Discount Tire (Every Participant at WC Camp Commander will receive one of these)
3) Three Camp Commander Button Up Shirts (TYMAC)
4) Two 64oz Hot/cold cups (Knappster)
5) Tee-Shirt, Ball Cap & cozy (Superchips)