I'd take the Patriot hands down, over the Compass any day. The Patriot is more conservative to Jeep stayling. it's got an increased body lift, which translates to better approach, break-over, and departure angles. I've been contemplating getting one because I make a 120 mile round trip drive to work a couple days a week, and I have no interest in little cars. I'd keep my WK and use this as a DD. But the 4x4 is adequate for this little tiger. It's a light vehicle, and it's actually quite agile on the road - never got the sense it needed a 6cylinder by any means - Most people just grow accustomed to a certain type of power. I wouldn't recommend it for a family of 4. But for folks with no kids, or single folks like me it makes a fun vehicle to take to the beach. Slap on a BL and some 31's... this puppy will make a fun vehicle. I can't state whether it will make a good rock crawler or not... that's not my objective. But the Latitude model is superb.