In case anyone did not saee the update on the other Forum:

OK, Here is a little teaser mini version of what happened.

I do not think is is appropriate to give all the detail yet because of pending charges and other litigation.

Two people that were of tremendous help were Jon Knapp from here and Detective Jeff Phaffenbach from the fraud division of the Arizona department of Moptor Vehicles.

Jeff is also a Helicopter Pilot and went the extra mile several times to help me find and retrieve the vehicles.

After a few months of dead ends the break happened when the vehicles were sold / traded and my name was forged on the titles to do so. Detective Jeff had put a lock on all my titles after the Stacker was sold to an Auto Auction in Phoenix. Any transfers of any of the five vehicles would trigger a message on any DMV computer to call Jeff.

The second vehicle transfered illigally was the Coach. It was traded for another RV. Next the Jeep Commander was traded for another car and finally the golf cart was sold on consighment at a golf cart dealer.

The really great thing about the situation is that all the vehicles were retrieved in a non confrontational manner. We just picked them up from the new owners legally. They were all at businesses and not private parties.

The sad thing is that every different owner took there pound of flesh along the way. The stacker was stripped of all the interior upgrades. I even discovered that the new Michilin tires were swapped out for cheaper tires and both spares disappeared. I was told before we got the stacker that the graphics were removed. Fortunately that was only partially correct. The Huey is still on the back door. The two blue top Optima batteries were gone and a cheap used battery was there that would not even raise the lift.

I will spend several months slowly replacing equipment and things, but that is a small price to pay to get it all back. The really great thing about recovering them is that they were and are all paid for and clear. I really did not want to repurchase everything.