Peanut butter shimmin' time!!!

With MUCH thanks to Pozman (buddy of mine from Steeltown Offroaders), the Ramcharger is FINALLY daily driveable (should it ever come to that), as we got the leaf pack shimmed last night!

Thanks to school traffic, I got to his place about 3:30 yesterday afternoon. We decided to work on it there, since he has all the cool tools.

Safety first, of course. After chocking, and before the jackstands, we had to 'anchor' it.

Strapped it to his hitch and my pintle.

Time to UN-bolt everything!


After extensive eyeballing, and some actual measuring of the driveshaft and pinion angles, I THOUGHT about erring on the side of caution, and going with 6 degrees shims... but a nagging instinct, led me to get 8 degree instead... We'll see how this plays out...