I'm wearing my red BSA windbreaker, hence the reddish reflection on the fender here.

Check out this front bumper now!

Looking down here between the bodywork and the bumper, you can see the shelf for the winch to mount to. The fairleads come out the front, and you're good to go!

That's Jimmy, on the far left, FYI.

A decent shot of the rear hatch and bumper here - they popped the red plastic off the bottom of the "Dodge" plate, as it had collected a fair amount of crud over the years, and we don't need any MORE rust promotion on this hotrod! Wayne, Jimmy's right hand man, suggested red reflector tape... and that ain't a half-bad idea!

Been looking for SOMETHING to demonstrate scale, as to the height on this monster. I saw this 5 gallon plastic gas can nearby, and it's DIRECTLY UNDER the corner of the bumper here. It's about 2' high, for reference.