Removed the 30" LED light bar from the grill and reinstalled the HID's I removed a few months ago. (Did this all last night)

Although the LED bar is fantastic, I...

A) was never crazy about the way it looked. The round HID's with their Allen head screws fit the look of the Jeep's front end much better.
B) The 40" bar on the roof rack is so powerful that turning on the 30" bar just made my pupils shrink even more. Yes, folks, it's possible to have TOO MUCH LIGHT on a Jeep.
C) My amphibious 6x6 needed it more.

Sitting in the driver's seat of the 6x6

The installed Totron 30" light bar.

Now, the jeep's back to this look again. Taken at Raven's Roost last year. The long strip of an LED bar where the round grill lights are just didn't look that great to me.