Quote Originally Posted by HueyPilotVN View Post
Doc, There is nothing dumb about your welding. I have seen your work and I see nothing dumb about it.
it's a joke... i have an I.Q. of 165 (seriously) and started my college courses while i was still in 9th grade, i was a business major with 7 semesters of japanese under my belt preparing for international business. i have always prefered working with my hands and read a report that there were no blue collar workers left and the business degree just put you first in line to flip a Big Mac. i followed the mechanical side of my skills which lead me to being a maintenance engineer. through my studies i learned to "see" the failure before it was built which lead me to where i am.

Stone Soup is actually my 4th start up business. i owned 2 tattoo shops with piercing studios in germany until i needed to return to the states to spend time with my sister who wasn't going to be with us much longer. i spent time at a buddy's shop building chassis, engines, sand rails & race cars then went out on my own. i had a mobile welding business that grew into a general contracting company and a welding shop.

my wife is a member of MENSA but i declined due to their stuffy attitudes and know i am much more than a "dumb weldor" but i like to play the roll