Beer company offers $1 million for safe capture of 'Bigfoot'


Published: April 11, 2013 at 3:30 PM

TUMWATER, Wash., April 11 (UPI) -- Olympia Beer in Washington state is offering a $1 million reward for the safe capture of Bigfoot," the legendary creature said to roam the Pacific Northwest.

The Tumwater company posted a statement on its website saying "Olympia Beer and Bigfoot have been leaving footprints together in the Pacific Northwest since 1896," KCPQ-TV, Seattle, reported Thursday.
"We have been sharing the same back yard for over a century and we believe it's time to do what has never been done, and that is to offer a one million dollar reward to anyone who can ensure the safe capture of Bigfoot. When we say safe capture that means Bigfoot has to be alive and breathing folks, with no wounds. That's right you can't use any act of violence, no guns/knives/boxing gloves/nets/etc, only sugar or sweets to lure him in," the statement reads.
The company said only registered participants who capture the Sasquatch will be eligible for the $1 million reward.
Olympia Beer said the project is being carried out in partnership with The Falcon Project, which it described as "the most penetrative search for Bigfoot ever conducted in the United States."