100 dead cats found in nonfunctioning freezer (June 20th, 2010 @ 12:54pm)

BLACK RIVER FALLS, Wis. (AP) - Social services has removed three children from a home in Jackson County where 100 dead cats were found in a nonfunctioning freezer. Sheriff Duane Waldera said filthy conditions and feces from another 17 live cats caused deputies to determine the house was unlivable.

Gabriella Bernabei said authorities are targeting her and her boyfriend because of their Wiccan religious beliefs. Bernabei said the cats were kept in the garage freezer because she planned to bury them. She said she was properly storing the carcasses until she could get to the burials.

The live cats were taken to the Jackson County Animal Shelter. Animal control officer Barb Pfaff says some were too sick to save.