Sept 28th, Wilmington, DE.. potluck style.. I homebrew beer so if you like craft brew no need to bring beer unless you just want to, if you don't like whatever I have on tap (no clue this far out but I can serve 4 styles and try to rotate..) you better bring something to drink.

I've got pretty much any tool required for basic maintenance stuff if you want a hand. I'm more of a pointer than Matt is so you better be turning the wrenches yourself

Kids are fine, I've got 2 4 year olds so we don't really have any "big kid" toys, but I suppose we can setup the wii or something if you have older kids.

My boxer puppy is a little crazy, but in general a good dog, he's just a moose so he might knock small kids over, you've been warned.

If you plan to come, PM me so I can give you the address/phone number and we can get a better idea of what we'll have/need to buy/need you to bring that kind of thing.