Yeah, there's nothing quite like hail to bring out the screaming little girl in just about anybody.

A few years ago, we were in SD doing the Mt. Rushmore, Badlands thing. A bad storm came through about the time we left Wall Drug. We hid out under the I-90 freeway overpass in the RV and waited out the storm. After it passed, we went on down into the Badlands. Most of an hour later, and in typical South Dakota summer heat, we stopped to pick up hailstones almost the size of baseballs. The thought of just how big the things had to have been before melting for an hour made us start quaking in our shoes.

Later, we reached a road junction where there's a large RV park. It looked like a war zone, with shredded awnings, broken windshields and glass on about every vehicle there, and people walking around looking dazed. As we got closer, we could see big dents on every car and truck hood. THAT would've been bad news to try to ride out under a Commander's three sunroofs!!