CLIFF NOTES: If i cut 1/2 coil off the MD spring and set the 5100s to the highest setting, I think i'll end up .25-.8" higher than I currently sit (depends on the final spring rate). So i'm going to do that first since I can always cut more off or drop the 5100s down to a lower setting if its too high.

Cutting off half coil basically gives me the same free height as the OME HD, but with a lower spring rate. Assuming the spring rate doesn't change (to be conservative) The cut spring will reach equilibrium at about 10.6" which is about .65" more compression and approx 1.3" lower ride height. Add in the lost 1/2" from also removing my strut spacer and I'd be 1.8" lower than my current setup.

Add in the ~2" from the 5100s and i'm looking at ending up about .25" higher than I am now. And that's being conservative.

If I assume the last half coil is active that would result in a new spring rate of ~570 lbf/in for a compressed height of 10.9" resulting in ~.7 lower ride height. Plus the extra 1/2" from spacer and i'm looking at 1.2" to make up with the 5100s. So i could end up with about .8" more lift than i currently have (too much). If that happens, I can always drop the 5100s to the middle setting or cut more off the spring.