Regarding the tire issue: We've talked at length with one of the lead Jeep engineers behind these 4wd systems about just this. He has told us that the tire-size difference issue is essentially a myth. It may have been true in the old days, but a full-size spare isn't necessary with these. Unlike a simple mechanical system, the computer can adjust on the fly to account for the diameter difference.

Would you want to drive 100 miles at high speed without a match? No. Definitely not (for many reasons). But for limping out to get a repair done? No problem. We don't carry a full-size match on any of our rigs.

As for the front Mopar skid: it is an interesting notion. We've generally tried to fill on market gaps before worrying about a product for which another option actually exists. But if that other product is deficient, that could be a different story. I've not looked at the Mopar skid in a long time, honestly. I have the Superlift one on now.

Good feedback, though, folks! Keep 'em coming!