While I agree with some of the facts posted here, I am a little suprised at the tone of this thread. If someone thinks they have a better looking product, beauty is in the eye of the beholder and only an opinion. Everyone is entitled to theirs, and this forum is a great place for them to trumpet it to the world.

Debating the merits of manufacturing methods, engineering types, options, and overall quality are healthy things and lead to improvements and better products for us all. The tone of some of the above posts is worrisome to me though that we may, as a community, be heading into a "my way is the only right way" perspective. I love that we have an open forum, with many different opinions, and Arrie is someone who has a lot of great information to share. Arrie also has a vastly different perspective than many of us do, based on being out of country and in a desert area unlike most of the U.S. (Yes, I know some of us on the forum live in the desert, but many do not.)

When I bought my XK and found the "other forum" that many of us started on, continuing on into Knappster's Ultimate XK Forum, I have been treated to perspectives and experience I would have no other way to access. How else would I hear about what XK owners on the other side of the planet think is cool?