I built one about 15 years ago. It's still under the bench in the shop. Mine's about 36'' long, 20'' deep, and about 20'' tall. I used a small RV sink and pump faucet. I incorporated a Coleman 2 burner gas stove into it. There are two laminated cutting boards that pop out like wings. I got carried away, using Formica and everything. I'll have to drag it out, vacuum the thick dust off it, and take photos.

The front drops down, forming a shelf. There's a silverware drawer, and the rest is open. I packed two tanks along... one was a standard blue 5 gallon water jug with a dip tube made from a piece of 1/4'' copper pipe. The other is a collapsible RV gray tank. When washing dishes, I'd heat up water on the stove. I had an RV dish drainer that would sit on a cutting board "wing."

I would set it up on a picnic table, and make gourmet meals from scratch. No kidding... My stew would have fresh chopped veggies. My pots and pans were all cast iron. (One pot and one skillet) They're still in every day use in the motorcoach.

I haven't used it in years as I now "camp" in a 40 foot diesel motorcoach. Well, not always. I usually do a couple of Jeep trips a year, but I'm lazy now, I just pack quick prepackaged crap instead.