Quote Originally Posted by XK N00b View Post
I have the Droid X and love it. I switched up from the BlackBerry Storm, I wont be shocked to see BlackBerry go out of business, or just be a manufacturer of Android phones soon. Only issue I've had with my Droid is, it didn't work when I went to London and Paris a few weeks ago because it doesn't have a SIM card. Other than that, it's awesome!
That was the only drawback i found with the X. The Droid 2 is international capable and has a faster processor (1.2ghz instead of 1 ghz) and a the pull out keyboard. However i like the larger screen and the camera on the x. I do go overseas on occasion and would like to have the 2 for that reason but I use the camera on a daily basis and would benefit more from that. My black berry is capable of being overseas so i'll just keep the phone for if I need it. (just have to have it unlocked at a roadside phone boutique in europe and buy the sim card for whatever country I'm in).