Took the front left side apart to replace the ball joint what a PITA the tool don't work all the way with our LCA design and stuff the replacement ball joint is then to long to get back in by like 1/16" dremmel cured that. I popped the cv out not on purpose never messed with them before so I was not happy. I got the ball joint and cv back in now just need to reassemble the rest and see what I messed up. I added some grease to the cv because wrestling it back in my hands were covered in grease messed with it for about an hour before I realized cutting the bottom of the bolt solved all my problems.

This were I sit now taking a break and having a beer

I have a lot of cleaning before I continue it looks like I was rolling around in grease and it's on everything. Here is a link to the thread I used as a guide

Update: I got it all put back together added some grease to the CV because it lost some while messing with it. The ball joint is in and as stated in the thread I had to grind down the LCA some so the C clip would seat all the way in. Not sure why but my tire isn't hitting the pinch weld area now but the inside of the tire is still rubbing the frame rail up front. I'm bringing it back in for another alignment today and I'll see if its all back to normal after that. I have some miles on it now and I feel hear and see no problems so I'm guessing I got the half shaft seated in the cage properly. I did try to release the arm from the upper ball joint which would of allowed me to install the lower ball joint without cutting it down but it wouldn't come free easily so I left it because ordering UCA right now would flip the wife out LOL. I didn't see anything bent at all so I'm hoping this gets me back to where I was before I smacked things out of whack.