YouTube is pissing me off. I have 200k views total on all my videos and they said I don't have a big enough following for full share add program. They basically choose which of my videos have adds for me and take most of my profits So I'm trying to draw more attention to my page thus also drawing attention to the forum as well. So if you will like my new face book page Sal-XK thanks. The page is linked to my YouTube site obviously and I will up load tons of photos as I always do. The Xk-forum is and always will be the home for my Jeep and will get every mod, picture and video I do before any other site I'm on. I just need to reach non XK people as well for my videos. Who knows hopefully grab some new XK-forum members along the way. Oh, please AKA your forum name so we all know who you are.

Jon I didn't think this post violated any of the rules but if it did just delete it thanks bro. Is that a weird statement coming from a moderator? LMAO