I see this quite frequently where people are trying to figure out their clearance. Well, today I measured mine (wanted to know if i'd clear with lights mounted on my roof).


My garage opening is 83" to the first solid object. I didn't deduct height for the weather seal because that'll just flex out of the way... and it's only 1/4" or so anyways, I doubt anyone here is going to give themselves less than 1" of leeway.

My XK has just shy of 8" of clearance from the tallest part of the roof.

Specs: 2" RC kit, 245/70/17 tires, Monroe load levelers in the rear (brought the rear up 1/2" over stock).

Edit: lol on a side note, i love WHITE... my XK is so freaking dirty right now and yet it looks like it was just washed/waxed in those pics.