Well guys bad news. I had an accident at work, took a tumble off a roof landed 15ft below...Shattered my left heel, fractured my right foot and fractured my right wrist BUT I'M ALIVE! This all happened about four weeks ago since then I've had surgery on my heel, eight screws several pins and a plate later everything is back together.(3 grand worth of hardware) I have been waiting to get final word on when I would be good to start using my foot again but I still have five or more weeks till I can start therapy, that coupled with all the Dr's fees I wont be coming out to Moab. I'm really getting sick of this, two years in a row something tragic has prevented me from joining in.

Before I cancel my reservation for the cabin I thought I would offer it up to someone here...I don't know if they would let a transfer happen but its worth a try??? I think I was scheduled from Sunday night through Wednesday night...

Sorry guys