Had fun at Uwharrie as usual such a great place to wheel and lots of friendly people out wheeling today. I almost flipped my XJ three times today LOL twice witnessed by Toby. We ran the three best trails Uwharrie had to offer Dicky bell, ran a few lines threw Kodak rock the finished the day off running a little daniel from the easy side. Toby's WK did awesome and he pushed it pretty hard and took a few lines no one with QT1 has taken yet and he made it. I took harder lines today myself and had a blast. The day started off rocky and ended rocky. On my way to the trail the Jeep threw a transmission line and spewed fluid all over the road and then me while I tried to find the leak LOL. Then at the end on the way back to the outpost to air up and go home I got the death wobble again Checked underneath and the two bolts I put in the bracket that holds the adjustable track bar had come loose not sure why but started with a repair and ended with a repair but that's part of the fun right. I didn't get a bunch of pictures I was having to much fun wheeling. I know Toby took some photo's I saw him with a camera once or twice. Now for some pictures....

And some how Toby got a rock up inside his belly guard LOL