Quote Originally Posted by Sal-XK View Post
Well obviously you don't know what your talking about The bears finished with about the same record as the Giants last year. Now keep in mind the for the last 4 games or so cutler and other key players were injured which cost us some wins for sure. Now fast forward to this year Marx and his system are fired!!!!!!!! we also picked up some real receivers for the first time in who knows how long proper size speed and talent. Plus we have are run game which should be ready for opening day so finally a balance of run and pass. Add that all up with not that hard of scheduled this year and common sense tells me we should finish much better then last year. Not saying were winning the super bowl but we should make a play for our division for sure this year it's ours to loose at this point. So bite me bro LOL
Ugh. The Bears. The bane of my NFL fandom existence. I'm a Lions fan, always have been. They took a step ahead of the Bears lat season but I fear they didn't do as much in the offseason as Chicago did. A healthy Cuttler with the addition of Brandon Marshall and Michael Bush means a more potent offense. We got...Riley Reiff for the offensive line and a bunch of coming suspensions for weed and DUI. Still gonna be a fan, still gonna yell at the TV like a crazed lunatic but my expectations aren't as high as last year.