MY power rating, when broadcastin'in!

Listening to "Double Trouble" out of VA. Made a contact in southern IN on 6 while I was testing everything.

Crappy cellphone pics make it look a lot more cluttered than it is, but the rolling radio shack is coming together nicely.

The Galaxy is by far, the nicest piece of kit I've ever owned OR operated - figuring out all the buttons and what they do was rather interesting. Discovering that the "mic gain" on a quality radio can actually affect the SWR was rather eye-opening. And I'm still trying to figure out what the "talkback" feature does!

Nonetheless, the setup is good, my SWR is GREAT, and while I wasn't reaching out much this afternoon (judging by the couple of responses I could only get on 6 at 4:30 EST), I think I have a GTG rig at this point! I'll try and post some video, and BETTER pics, shortly.