Quote Originally Posted by Sal-XK View Post
I would go compact comfort is important. I don't know how many times I got sick of having a Beretta strapped to my leg wishing I could just throw it away LOL I hated carrying it and took it off when ever the opportunity arose. But then again carrying it 24\7 for 15 months could of been the problem. LOL
Yes, comfort is important to me as others have said, i will be in summer clothes all year round.

I like the glock because of it's trigger safety and ease of use. The XD also has the same thing now i believe and is a reloliable model.

What else should i consider(brands)? I have small hands so gotta keep tjat in mind.

I will be hitting the local ranges and renting different models to see what i feel is comfortable for me and the old lady, as others have recomended.